The Razorba has been a fantastic product for me. I no longer have to try and recruit my wife to shave that 1 foot square zone in the middle of my back that I couldn't reach on my own previously. I keep it in the shower and use it about every three days just because it is so easy to use and the feeling of a smooth back is great. I only wish I found this years ago.
I settled on the Silencer model for no other reason than I figured I'd go with the mid grade. For sure I recommend finding a triple blade shaver to use with it as double blades just don't deliver the same performance. Aside from the blades Razorba says will fit it you can soon discover other brands that obviously fit it once you look at the diamater of the "holder". I found for example very moderatly priced Bic 3 blades that fit perfectly at a third the cost of Gilette (sorry Gilette). I use this in combination with shaving what I can reach with just the shaver in my hand.
The way I see it men of our generation are stuck in an evolutionary period where we no longer need hair on our body but it's still not out of our genes yet. I find that most people consider arm, leg and chest hair acceptable for men but pretty much every one agrees, back hair is NOT sexy..... And when you discover how nice it is to be rid of back hair and have a feeling of smooth skin, you too will be hooked.
I'm not sure why I have read a handful (or less) of bad reviews on this tool but I can only think people have not considered a couple of things first. Most importantly if you are starting out with a carpet on your back think of what results you would get if you tried taking a razor blade to a beard on your face without first cutting it down to stubble. Obviously that would not work. The same is true in this instance. So have someone at least start you off with a trimmer then all you need to do is use this every few days and you'll be good to go. Second, you'll want to give yourself a half dozen turns with it before you learn what angles work best for you. And third, for goodness sake do it in the shower and not on the bathroom floor which I have seen recommended. I lather up my back with soap off the back side of my hands and it's all I need to shave to a baby smooth finish. Easy peasy... My recommendation is BUY IT ASAP....!! Your woman will love you for it !! Razorba Silencer Back Hair Shaver
Been a user of this thing for over a year now and have worked out what works for me.
First off, as has been noted by a previous reviewer, if you have anything more than light growth/stubble it will be difficult for a razor to get that off without a lot of effort....think about trying to use a Mach3 razor to get rid of a beard....you wouldn't do it without first trimming the beard.
Same thing applies for me and others who don't want to braid their back hair. You need to trim your hair down to what a razor can handle.
What I have done, and works the best for me, is to attach a Wahl Groomsman to it with masking tape....bear with me folks.
MacGyvering it has worked very well and is only needed when I neglect my shaving regime and the growth gets to much for the razor.
Just remove the razor, and strap on the groomsman with some masking tape...doesn't take long at all and the masking tape is easy to tear and remove when done.
What is great is the angles still work.
Once the hair length has been knocked down by the groomsman then it is shower time.
I have a routine that works good for my back...results may very :o)
I don't use shaving cream, it was always to difficult to get a good covering and water on my back would eventually dilute the cream.
What I use it Dove Unscented Moisturizing Body Wash. I just squirt that stuff all over my shoulders and upper back and work it vertically down the spine with the Razorba and then branch out from there. The body wash provides slippy/slidy razor lubrication...no nicks.
Then do horizontals from the spine to ribs...repeat as necessary.
The Razorba won't do all the work for you, but it gives you the angles you need to get access to all of your back.
This product is great, very easy to use, you can reach all areas of your back with it. If you have long hair you should trim it with a hair trimmer first, if you grow a beard you wouldn't just shave it off without trimming it first. - Mens Grooming - Razorba'
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