I'm sorry, but the truth hurts. I was very disapointed in the quality of the design, and the poor assembly. I actually broke the first one trying to put it back together, then I was able to superglue the others. After the glue dried, I tried using them as adapters on my mini USB charging cords and data Mini USB cords on cellphones. Well, what a joke that turned out to be. They did not fit very snug at all, the connectors fell off easily and if I wasn't so stubborn, I would have thrown every one of them in the trash by now.
For those of you wondering if I gave it a try on just one phone,
Motorola Droid X
Blackberry Curve
Motorola Flip
LG Flip
LG Env 3
Well, I guess it isn't too late, I still might, I just hate to throw away something I paid for, but in this case I will make an exception. Universal Mini-USB to Micro-USB Adapter - Black
Bought this item hoping I could take advantage of an old usb cable at work and be able to charge my Blackberry 9800 and transfer files between my phone and work computer. The first time I plugged the phone in I got a massage saying, "Connection unable to charge battery." The computer also doesn't show a device being connected to it.
I tried plugging into both office computers, one running Windows XP and the other running Windows 7 and got the same results or lack there of. I'm glad I only wasted my money on one of these adapters.
I ordered these for myself. The vendor shipped them quickly, and they work fine. I keep one in my car and in my laptop case for traveling. My company is switching over to the BB 9700, and we are going to use these rather than pay $10 to $25 for new car chargers for our users.
Not much to say except they work. I did not need to buy new chargers for my new Blackberry just because it has the micro-USB attachment. The adapters fit perfectly between my older mini-USB connectors and the micro-USB plug on the phone. A much cheaper solution than buying new chargers!
Looking inside one end of this connector revealed 1 of the 5 connecting pins was missing. The result of this is that it will charge my phone, but it will not allow my phone to connect to my computer for data access.
I will never buy from this seller again.
These are cheap so the plastic pops apart if lightly stressed... Although they work great to adapt all those old charges over to new ones. just don't move around too much with it or else it will split apart. 100% worth the price. To carry around when you need a charge they are a life saver.
Does not work with my Kindle, my Nexus S, Blackberry, so kinda useless. The reason is
that the connectors are not the same.
The above mentioned items all have connectors that are extra long on the ends.
The ones here all have the same length connectors so there are no long ones to make the connection. - Adapter - Blackberry - Blackberry 9630 - Micro Usb'
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