Loving my Kindle 2, I was seeking a product to provide adequate protection for its all-important screen. BoxWave's claim is that their screen protector is "the perfect blend of anti-glare and optical clarity". Hoping that this was true, I carefully read the instructions on the ClearTouch packaging. They are very straightforward, providing five detailed steps for the installation of this screen protector.
I cleaned the screen with the provided lint-free cloth, peeled off the backing of the screen protector, and carefully aligned the ClearTouch with my Kindle screen. Amazingly enough, the ClearTouch acted like a "smart" protector and settled perfectly to the screen area.
One issue that arose was a few initial bubbles under the ClearTouch. These disappeared once I followed the package instructions and pressed the bubbles out with the included applicator card. Being a bit inept at this sort of thing, I had also managed to get a few specks of dust on the screen. I removed the ClearTouch, washed it per the instructions, and reapplied. There were some water bubbles, but again, these were easily removed.
My overall experience with BoxWave's ClearTouch has been a positive one. Any issues with bubbles are fairly easy to resolve, and I love how the ClearTouch is so unnoticeable! I would strongly suggest this screen protector for anyone who truly loves their Kindle. BoxWave Kindle ClearTouch Anti-Glare Screen Protector (Single Pack) - Fits 6" Display, Latest Generation Kindle
*** UPDATE 2010-10-18 ***
This ClearTouch Anti-Glare Screen Protector will fit the screens on Kindle 1, Kindle 2, and Kindle 3 (All 3 versions of the Kindle have the exact screen dimensions.)
I have a 1st Generation Kindle and this ClearTouch Anti-Glare Screen Protector is a *perfect* fit.
First off, to address complaints about trapped bubbles, all screen protectors will potentially leave some bubbles behind no matter what. You will not find a screen protector that doesn't. With that said, the Boxwave Screen Protector is the best screen protector money can buy. I have been using the Boxwave brand of screen protectors for years for all my electronic gadgets and I've been extremely happy with them. They're pricier than most other brands of screen protectors, but they're well worth it. They are *very* high quality screen protectors - you really *do* get what you pay for! I was trying to save a few buck$ by getting one of these for my Kindle - boy, was that a mistake! I ended up tossing it out and getting this Boxwave screen protector instead.
- Fits both 1st and 2nd generation Kindles
- Anti-glare
The anti-glare surface is at least as anti-glare as the original Kindle screen.
- Protects screen from finger smudges, scratches, dirt, and other undesirables
The screen protector serves an important purpose even though the Kindle doesn't have a touch screen. Having a screen protector on the Kindle gives me more room to grab on to the Kindle. I like to grab on to my Kindle without having to worry about inadventently leaving prints on the screen or scratching the screen.
- Lasts a long time
The screen protectors are very durable and will probably last the life of your Kindle. Since the Kindle doesn't have a touch screen, you will not be wearing the screen protector out by tapping on it with your finger or with a stylus.
- Invisible
You can't tell there's a screen protector on your Kindle if you've properly applied the screen protector.
- If you decide to remove the screen protector, it will not leave a sticky residue behind.
- Leaves bubbles
To be fair, *all* screen protectors *are* going to leave trapped bubbles behind. I have two minuscule bubbles trapped in my screen protector but these are hardly noticeable, especially when the Kindle is turned on. Don't fret if you have a bubble or two trapped in the film. These typically diminish or disappear over time. The included plastic card and microfiber cloth will help in removing any bubbles.
- Pricey
But you do get what you pay for! The Boxwave screen protectors are about the best quality screen protectors I've ever seen.
- First align the screen protector with one side of the Kindle screen (left or right, depending on whether you're left-handed or right-handed), ensuring that the film is not slanted. SLOWLY lower the screen protector from one side of the Kindle, all the while making sure you carefully monitor the alignment of the film to ensure it isn't slanted. AS SOON AS you find that it's been misaligned, peel it off right away and restart the process. The film has a certain amount of rigidity to make it easy to work with (it has the rigidity similar to that of a transparency film). As you lower the film, push out any trapped bubbles. If you made a botch of the application, use a piece of scotch tape to pull the one corner of the film up so you can get a handle on the film to peel it off completely. Start over. A small plastic card and a microfiber cloth is included to help you smooth out the film.
- Thoroughly clean the screen before you apply the screen protector. Use a Swiffer duster or the included microfiber cloth to clean off any dust on you Kindle. Don't be lazy or try to cut corners - any specks of dust that get stuck on to the screen protector will be almost impossible to remove! (I use a Swiffer duster and some cotton balls soaked in alcohol to clean my screen before I apply the screen protector).
- Some people suggest that you use a pin to prick the bubbles. I wouldn't recommend it since you risk damaging you screen. (It would be rather ironic, wouldn't it, if you damaged the screen while you're trying to protect it?). Like I've mentioned, the trapped bubbles typically diminish or disappear over time anyway.
The Boxwave Anti-Glare Screen Protectors are the best screen protectors you can get for the money. The problem with trapped bubbles is a problem inherent in all screen protectors and shouldn't deter you from getting the Boxwave Screen Protector. Be sure to observe the application procedures outlined above and you'll be very happy with the results! - Screen Protectors - Kindle - Anti Glare - Kindle Accessory'
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