I was looking for a second camera to compliment my DSLR and provide a lighter, smaller, option with similar image quality and handling. I compared all the EVIL cameras on the market at the time (September 2010). The Sony NEX series looks good, but is larger with a lens attached and significantly more expensive. The micro 4/3 cameras have good accessory support built up already but I wanted a larger sensor and a tighter total package.
The NX100 is comparable in size to a film rangefinder, but much lighter. Handling is superb - I can reach the top scroll wheel easily without looking, and while the thumb wheel take a little movement to reach that's not an issue with the i-Function lenses. Let me take a moment to talk about the i-Function. This handling advantage was the tie breaker over a Sony for me. I don't use it very often since I'm still not used to having it there, but it is a really great addition and improves the overall handling a lot. One of the big things I like about my DLSR is that all the functions I want to use or adjust are on the face of the camera - I can tweak, flick, and flip without moving my eye from the viewfinder. This is basically what the i-function emulates without all the bulk and complexity of the larger cameras. I haven't used the auto and scene modes too much, but Manual, Aperture Priority, and Shutter Priority work great and the interface is well sorted for these. The menu system is a little rough, but not as bad as you might think and luckily you really rarely have to use it for anything after the initial setup.
Manual focus is quick and direct feeling, though not as satisfying as a manual connection to the helicoid like in a traditional lens. The trade off is a smaller lens with a smaller, quieter motor and a really tight collapsed package - I'll take it. The focusing action is about a half-turn from near to far and the motion is easy and fluid.
Auto focus is a little iffy in low light or low contrast but overall is totally usable and works great in normal to bright lighting. All of the EVIL cameras use contrast-detect auto focus and are thus slower than the phase-detect auto focus in SLR type cameras and the NX100 is no exception. This seems to be par for the course in the EVIL class and hasn't really been an issue so far, but I would like to see faster AF.
Focusing is nearly silent and the included 20-50 compact zoom is an excellent performer. I'd like it if it had a slightly bigger aperture, but the camera's high ISO performance makes it usable in modest low light situations. So far all my ISO 1600 shots have been more than usable with just a little noise visible zoomed in.
The screen is bright and beautiful. I'm looking to try the accessory finder as soon as it's available, but for now using the back screen like a point-n-shoot is fine and works like any other camera this size.
The reviews I read online indicated there was some problem with write speed, but in my use pictures are written to the buffer and then the card very quickly. I shoot raw + fine jpg with a Sandisk extreme class 10 SD card and have had no trouble in rapid-fire single shot or the burst mode shooting.
Lens and accessory selection is a little light still, especially i-Function lenses. I also picked up the 30mm f/2 lens, and it is a great performer on this body. The stock lens collapses quickly into a tight little package, but the 30mm pancake really makes this camera small for the sensor size. It's not quite pocketable, but would easily slip into a jacket pocket or small bag. The included strap works well over the shoulder and the camera tucks away behind my arm without any noticeable weight. The strap does say Samsung on it, but it's not nearly as obvious as the Nikon or Canon straps are and so is pretty discrete.
Samsung has a lens road map on their website that indicates they'll be pushing more glass out for the NX mount over the next year. In the mean time the basics are covered - small wide to normal zoom included, a 50-200 tele-zoom is available and there are 20mm and 30mm f/2 primes on the market now. A macro normal and portrait oriented mild tele are planned. There are also adapters available from third parties for most mounts, so existing glass can be put to work.
I'm very happy with the NX100 and would recommend it to anyone looking at cameras in this class. Samsung EV-NX100 Digital SLR with 14.6 MP and HD Recording
I compared this camera to the DMC-G2...Both are great cameras...The G2 has more options,touch screen and very nice picture quality..The NX100 lack 2 important things...EVF and a built in flash....and you can add the lack of image stabilization in the kit lens to the negatives...But there are few important things make this camera a winner...
The size is great...Close to the size of P&S...
Shape is beautiful.
Focus is very accurate.
Price is reasonable.
The picture quality is fantastic;this waht made me keep it...The colors are vibrant and oily...The DMC-G2 colors are great but harsh if you campare to the NX100.
Now there are many web sites offering great discounts like free flash and a hundred off each lens...Look at b h and cruchfield...So the flash is not a big deal...
If you are looking for picture quality,then this camera is a good option....I think it's under rated.Sadly it's not sold by amazon yet.
I returned the G2 and I'm keeping it...
Update 12/6/2010...
The 50-200mm lens is simply great...The image stabilization is fantastic..Picture is razor sharp...Focus is speedy.
The flash that came with the camera as bonus is also great...I think as long samsung will ship this flash for free,then the fact that this camera has no built in flash is a plus:)
One disadvantaged is that the face detection is week..But again you can use the spot focus and the focused subject is razoe sharp.
I did not notice until now that I'm missing the image stabilization in the kit lens...Maybe because I use always shutter speeds more than 1/30s...
I do blieve now that the absence of flash(as long as you can get the bonus flash) and image stabilization should not be a deal breaker.'
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