When I was looking for a battery, I did not expect to find a brand new one for so little. It was a wonderful deal and the bonus was a little written instructional manual about how to correctly discharge your battery and reset it to its maximum charging capacity. Which makes it take a better charge and last longer (something the Laptop manufactures don't want you to know!) I preformed the total discharge for my other laptop and reset my battery and now it will hold a 4.2 hour charge. Thank You! Thank You! Laptop Battery Compatible with Dell® Inspiron 500m, 600m Series, Latitude D500, D505, D510, D600, D610 Series, Precision M20, Workstation M20 Series
As the Dell battery from Dell is expensive, I thought I'd save some money buying a replacement battery on Amazon. The battery I got wouldn't even power up my laptop. I assume it's a defect with the specific battery I got as opposed to the entire product line, since other people indicate success.
Since it was processed by Dekcell (available for Prime shipping), return was super easy. May try again.
I'm running a Dell Inspiron 600m.
I tried this battery as an alternative to Dell's overpriced replacement batteries. I use it in a Latitude D610. It was a little quirky at first. When I plugged in outlet power after drawing down the battery a bit, it didn't consistently begin charging. After using it for over a month, the problem appears to have resolved itself. Aside from that temporary quirk, the battery has performed well, and I consider it a great bargain.
The battery was delivered promptly and fit into my Inspiron 500m the same as the original. It has been working adequately in the month since it was installed.
There are three issues to document:
1. The battery was fully charged when received based on the fuel gage on the bottom. It also reported over 90% by the time MS XP SP2 had booted and has charged up to 100% with normal use. While I have not timed the unit precisely, I do get 2-3 hours of normal use on a charge, which is adequate. However, when I booted the laptop with XUBUNTU, which has a much more informative battery status monitor than the Microsoft OS, it reported that the battery (still brand new) was only in 'Fair' condition. This info comes from the battery pack, not from the OS or the PC. Microsoft will report that the battery has 100% of its capacity, but does not say whether the capacity has been internally derated from its original design specifications. The battery now reports (after only a month of use) that the capacity is 'Poor' (59% of rated), that the original design of 53Wh has now been reduced to 32Wh. It appears to have stabilized at that level. It is still worth the price, I suppose, but I would imagine that it will need replacement in a year, unless the performance increases with use. Of course, it might be the XUBUNTU, but I believe that it is simply reporting info provided by the battery pack's built in electronic monitor.
2. I also received a warning from the XUBUNTU OS the first time I operated with the new battery pack that the battery MIGHT be subject to a recall, but no wandering about the net revealed any supportive info for that and XUBUNTU no longer reports the warning. Not quite sure what to think there, but the laptop has not burst into flames....... yet.
3. The last is a minor thing. The rubber foot built into the battery pack is of an inferior grade of rubber compared to the original foot, since it leaves black skid-marks on the table tops on which the laptop has been used. I replaced it with the rubber foot off of the original battery and that problem is gone.
Since the price, including shipping is less than a third of the Dell OEM replacement part, I guess it is still a deal, though I certainly cannot give it 5 stars.
There are different levels of mAh in this batteries
My labtop works with 4,4 mAh and the battery came with 5 mAH this difference makes that the battery only charges to a max of 17%
If you are going to order check the mAH or you will be disapointed and the vendor does not specify this
While the battery fits in the place provided, and seems to be working, the specs do NOT match the description provided by the seller. Rather than a 4400MAh battery at 11.1V, I received a 2200MAh battery at 14.8V. I think this is a difference of 4 cells vs 6 cells in the design, but I paid for a 6 cell battery.
Caveat emptor, sometimes you get what you pay for. I really should have listened to my gut on this one.
Price seemed right, but that was the only positive to this product. Mechanically, there's really only one thing that could go wrong with this battery, and sure enough, the spring-loaded latch on mine was broken when I received it. Decided to request a replacement, but wasn't permitted to do so. Instead, I had to return for a refund and then reorder. Seemed a bit counterintuitive. - D600 - Dell Latitude Battery - Replacement Battery - Dell Battery'
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