Wow! What a tool. I am building a home, and decided to do a good chunk of the trim carpentry. Knowing about this technology over 2 years ago(as I call on Senco), I was pleased to find out it was available when it was time for me to purchase a finish nailer. I have every pnuematic gun, except for the finish nailer. I was skeptical at first, but after 8 LONG days of hanging 27 doors, casing all the doors & windows, and putting up base, I'm happy to report the gun is amazing. The idea/technology is pretty simple, and am surprised no one was able to make this before 2010... but, I'm sure there is a lot more to it.
Size is good, battery life is good - at first, I wished I had a 2nd battery, but the quick charge feature made me question that. 2 of the 8 days, i ran out of charge(no idea how many nails fired), but a short 15 mins in the charger, and it was enough to finish the day's work. 2 1/2 in nails had no problem hanging doors... it sometimes didn't countersink when firing into some tougher areas of wood, but overall pretty impressive. 2" & 1 1/2" nails had NO PROBLEM countersinking DEEP into everything. Took some time getting used to the nose & it's size/where the nail would actually fire out... but again, just a learning curve(A smaller nose would be nicer, however).
The gun saved me lugging my compressor in & out of the house everyday, as well as dragging it and/or airlines all over the home. Easily saved me 3-5 hours, and probably more.
I initially thought I would use the gun for building my home, and then selling on Craigslist or something. Now, I'm pretty sure I'll keep it forever. In the past, there have been many times when I'd want to use an air nailer, but didn't want to go to the hassle of getting out the compressor & dragging it to the job. Now, I'll always have this thing... think I'm going to use it a lot more than I had originally thought.
Overall, a great tool, at a great price($400). SENCO FN65DA F-15 15 GA Fusion Finish Nailer
I just picked this nailer up for trim work to replace my Paslode. I installed 12 interior doors with it and another 15 doors the following day. It worked great. My only complaint is the battery does not last long. I have another battery on order. The tip is on the big side for fine nail placement, but for things like setting doors, crown or installing shelving it would work fine. Another review I read said the case sucks, it does but it wouldn't keep me from buying another one.
We were early adopters of the new Senco Fusion technology. I was skeptical at first when my general partner bought one for our use because it seemed pricey, but we decided to give it a try. Our business specializes in residential and office remodeling, where dragging compressors and air hoses around can be time consuming and possbly damage trim work. This nailer is great since you just grab it and go. No cartridges or smell. Batteries charge right away (we have two). The Senco rep says the pressurized cartridge will last for 200,000 shots and the replacement is $180.
Now, the guy working with the air hose is jealous. We can't wait for the 18ga finish nailer to come out in June 2011.
Not a shill review - we use several Senco, Hitachi and Porter Cable finish nailers in our work. They all work super. With hoses.
Hope this helps-
First off let me say this, finally someone got it right. I am contractor and was looking and patiently waiting for someone to produce a truly contractor grade cordless nailer. I have found it in this tool. I found this tool earlier this week and at first was somewhat skeptical. After I called SENCO directly, which by the way was a great experience, I was sold. This tool does everything that it says it does and in my opinion will be unbeatable by anyone else that tries. It is lightweight, charges fast, easy to use, and most importantly drives every nail every time perfectly,
If you are a contractor, home improvement specialist, remodeler, or finish carpenter then this is the tool for you. I know, I know I sound like an advertisement for the company. Maybe they will give me some nails or something for free out of this, but I am really that impressed with this nailer. It is rugged, charges fast, and the designers of this tool had professionals in mind. I can say that it paid for itself the first time I used it.
I've had the Fusion 15 GA nailer for a few weeks, and it's performing well. It replaces a Paslode 14 GA cordless nailer. The only gripe so far is that the 15 GA nails will split thinner trim, such as door casing, more often than the Paslode's 14 GA nails did. That's not the fault of the nailer. It works well enough, especially with heavier trim like brickmold that I'll probably get the Fusion 18 GA nailer once it's available.
It's got a mechanical sounding shot, not a pneumatic one but it's acceptably quiet for use in my consumer's homes. Especially compared to the rifle-shot of the Paslode. I'd always try to remember to warn homeowners that I was about to shoot nails with the Paslode. When forgotten, I'd get responses ranging from screams to, "Are you OK? I thought that you fell off a ladder or something."
It's been in the teens and 20s here in Wisconsin. The Fusion is kept in the truck, and it's worked consistently right out of the cold. The Paslode required the fuel cell to warm up under an arm for a few minutes before it would fire reliably.
I've used the nail jamb clearing feature only once. It performed as described, making a ratcheting sound as the driving pin reset itself. The depth gauge is easy to read and adjust. Nails mostly go to the depth expected, and when they stand proud it's easier to set the heavy 15 GA nails without bending or having the nail-set slip than it was with the 14 GA ones.
So far, no regrets. - Finish Nailer - Senco - Finish Nailers'
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