I wanted to replace my old portable TV with a digital one. I tried out one from Best Buy about a year ago and ended up returning it a few days later. I took a chance on this TV and was surprised to find also had a USB and SD slot capable of playing MP3s, Photos and Movies including Divx and Xvid. TV wise it picked up everything in my area and even has an electronic program guide. Picture is nice for SD stations, HD stations are ok considering this is not an HDTV. Sound is pretty good for the included speakers. Not much bass but you can't really expect tiny speakers to boom. You can plug in headphones if you want better sound. The buttons on the unit are simple and easy to use. There is also a remote you can use if you want to control the TV at a distance. As a TV it does a good job. As a media player I was surprised how versatile it was. It played everything I threw at it and the video looked great. I'm very happy with this purchase.
Pros: Good picture and sound. Plays DTV and other Media. Unit allows for software upgrades so the company can constantly improve the functionality. Antenna cord is fairly long and has a magnetic mount. When there is nothing on TV you can always watch other media via USB or SD card.
Now here are the cons. Battery life is only about 1½ hours and there is no way to tell how much charge is on the battery. The USB port is a mini port that requires an adapter (included) to plug a USB stick into the unit. While the unit does come with a kick stand there is no way to mount it to a tripod or base. The unit only comes with an AC adapter so if you want to charge it in your car you need to buy a DC adapter.
Overall it's a good little TV/Media Player for around $100 Viore PLC7V95 7-Inch Handheld LCD TV with Built-in Tuner
The Viore PLC7V95 TV has exceeded all my expectations. Read all the reviews for this TV as well as those for other portable TVs such as the Axion, Haier, New Digital Image, Supersonic, etc. None of these units had a 4½ or 5-Star rating. As a small portable digital TV, the Viore is suprisingly high quality with excellent performance for such a low price. Similar units that I found elsewhare were in a much higher price range of $150 to $350.
I have a policy of not buying any electronic unless I am able to discuss it with the manufacturer's tech support staff. This TV is now on Viore's website and its tech support was very responsive and easy to contact. None of the other vendors such as Axion, Haier, New Digital Image, etc. would respond to my emails or phone calls. The only exception was Tivax which was responsive.
* LCD screen resolution is very high for a 7" portable TV. The Viore (1,440 x 234) resolution has a pixel density that is 3-times greater than Axion's, Haier's & Tivax's (480 x 234). Although not HD, its resolution is outstanding.
* Viewing angle horizontally is wide . . easy to view when off to either side.
* Station reception. This has been a consistent problem for many users. I played with the antenna and its location and found that it is more than adequate. Proper use requires extending the cord its full length since it is part of the reception capability and locating it where there is less interference. When not properly position, I could not get any stations. When positioned at full wire length and near a window, I received 10-digital stations which is double of what I supposted to get according to signal strength ratings. When connected to my TV cable, I was able to receive all digital stations.
Note: Digital TV has a weaker signal than analog. The digital mobile TV standards are still being established. Within the next couple of years we should have portable TVs available that are truly mobile.
* Full functioning controls similar to my Samsung HDTVs . . screen and sound adjustments, etc. wheather using the remote control or controls on the unit.
* Has an excellent electronic program guide that provides actual programming by station.
* Both the USB and 3 in 1 card reader work as expected for pictures, videos and sound. Just need to have your files in proper file format.
* Although stereo speakers are small, the sound may be adjusted to avoid sounding tinny. I just maximize base and minimize treble. The sound is very good with earphones.
* Battery duration. The specs say it has about a 90-minute charge for portable use. I got about 100-minutes. My main use is as a desktop unit using the AC adapter.
* Battery recharging is relatively fast with a red light while charging and turns green when fully charged.
* Car adapter is not supplied; however, I had one from an analog portable TV and it worked well. You can buy one for about $10 from RadioShack.
* Remote control is acceptable; however, it has a relatively narrow angle of view. I use it as my primary control since it is easy to use and fully functional. Once you realize is limitations, it works well.
* The kick stand cannot be adjusted for verticle angle of viewing. I resolved the problem by buying a small attractive display stand for about $4 locally. Now I can adjust the viewing angle as I want. The small display stand can be purchased from Amazon.com. It is a Gibson Holders "1 Pl" with a clear plastic base and a white plastic coated wire support.
Highly recommend the Viore as an outstanding buy. - Portable Digital Tv - Digital Tv - Battery Operated Tv - Portable Tv'
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