I needed several of these, and they were cheap enough that I bought 5. I thoroughly tested all of them, and all 5 had the same issues:
1) For 3 devices (8GB iPod Touch 2nd generation, iPhone 3Gs, and an iPhone 4), it would not charge at all. A warning was issued on the screen: "Charging is not supported with this accessory." Once the message was dismissed, no charging occurred.
2) For 2 other iPhone 4s, no such warning appeared, but the phone behaved VERY erratically. The touchscreen was not behaving correctly, and apps were malfunctioning and performing actions unlike what I was trying to make them do (repeating text, as though I was holding down a key on a real keyboard; backspacing every time I hit "Send" on a text; walking in one direction only while non-stop firing in one of my games). This suggested to me the voltage might actually be WRONG, which is, of course, not good.
I threw them away. This product was 0-for-5 for me. Well, 5 adapters on 5 different products is 0-for-25, maybe? Nonetheless, I can not advise against it strongly enough. White USB Cable Power Adapter (Wall Charger Adaptor with fixed blades) for Apple iPod, iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 4,Touch, Shuffle, Nano, Classic
This charger costs an astounding $30 if you buy it from the Apple web store! Maybe Apple dips it in gold or something, but there's no reason to pay $30 for it when you can get it for about $5, is there?
After I got this, I looked it over very carefully, comparing it to one a friend got from Apple. This is either the real deal, or it's the best knock-off ever made. It has the same markings and numbers as the original.
Bottom line: It works, and it's much, MUCH cheaper than it is from Apple. If you want a charger, buy this one.
The vendor of this charger can get away with calling it original apple because apparently "Original Apple" is the name of their company. This is not the Steve Jobs Nano charger although they have counterfeited it rather well. Nevertheless it seems to work okay and has pretty decent build quality. I'll be back to edit this review if it doesn't last. On the other hand, I'd probably just buy another since the return shipping is more than the initial cost.
I bought two of these to have on hand but neither one would charge my 3GS (despite trying various usb cables and various outlets). The same configurations did, however, charge an iPhone 4. Go figure!! (Not even an "unsupported accessory" error message on the 3GS; was as if nothing was ever plugged in to the phone!)
It takes about three hours for a full charge (0%-100%) when I plug my iPhone 4 on the original Apple supplied adapter. It has taken this USB adapter more than 12 hours charging my phone and it's still at only 89%. I really wanted this to work as it is much cheaper than the original item but unfortunately, at least for an iPhone 4, it does not work as intended.
Delivery is three days behind the schedule, so I was anxious and happy to receive my charger adapter. However, this thing does not do anything! We tried several USB cables and various electrical outlets, yet the charger adapter refused to work.
I need to return this piece of junk.
I recently purchased an iPhone 4 but unfortunately I was not given the accessories, so I was forced with buying them on my own. After stopping by both, Target and Wal-Mart, I refused to pay retail ($19.99 for USB and $31.99 for Wall Adapter) knowing I could them cheaper here on Amazon. After searching for Authentic (OEM) Apple Wall Adapters, I cam across this one; so glad that I did. The price had me a bit worried about the quality, but this is the real deal! I have had no problems with Syncing or Charging. I mentioned Syncing as it came with a USB Cable too - which was a wonderful surprise (now I have an extra). It even arrived two days earlier than expected. To put it short - authentic Apple items at a fraction of the price ($8.99), included apple USB Cable (saved $19.99) and even had very quick shipping. I'm more than satisfied.
First, let me begin first by saying that THIS IS INDEED A KNOCKOFF! Please do not buy this thinking it is the real thing because you will be disappointing. Next, should you write this product off because it is not the real thing? Definitely not!
Consider that the actual adapter from Apple costs a whopping $30, and I bought this for $7 (Amazon is currently posting this for $3.15 as I am writing this), and then we can review it objectively. Let's understand that this is not rocket science, this is a USB power adapter. It takes electricity from the outlet, and uses capacitors to filter it down to the correct voltage and amps for your iDevice. It is not a shiny new piece of Apple technology with 4G LTE or Retina display. It's just a charger. Seriously any monkey who can follow directions can make this with the correct parts and a soldering iron. I will tell you now that the adapter from Apple is seriously overpriced for what it is. That thing costs a few dollars to make and Apple is selling it for several thousand percentage of it's actual worth. You can but this for under $5 bucks. It does not come in a box like the Apple adapter, it does not come with instructions, manuals, or the millions of advertising and PR that Apple has spent on their products. This is a simple power usb adapter. VERY simple technology.
I bought this for my office, I already have the original for my apt. You can immediately tell it is a knockoff when you place them side by side. The grey plastic is a darker shade of grey material (cheaper), the green dot is a darker grey. The words printed are slightly smudged and the grey plastic is not flush against the adapter like the real thing. That said, it just works. You are buying this for a fraction of the actual thing. Let me tell you, this will unlike explode or burn or catch fire because the power it is dealing with is minuscule. I have used my iPhone and cable with a Motorola USB adapter, a HTC adapter, they are all the same because they were all rated for the same USB specifications. Do not be afraid to buy this because it is a knockoff. I am a fan of Apple products but I know I am buying something greatly inflated with pop culture and advertising. I could have easily bought something at half the price and get basically all the functions but I chose this.
The only reason I didn't rate this at 5 stars is because it was essentially trying to dupe you into thinking it was real. - Ipad'
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