This was well worth the money. Double cudos. It had everything you would ever need to accessorize your IPad. The leather stand is of decent quality for the money. The stylus is compact and worked well with my IPad. I would recommend this as an exceptional buy!!!
L. Woods
Atlanta, GA TsirTech 15-Item Accessory Bundle for New Apple iPad 3G tablet / Wifi model 16GB, 32GB, 64GB
I got this bundle really fast, 2 days after I placed the order, which is much faster than your average amazon seller.
So all the pieces in the bundle work, which was a bit of a shocker because you figure that Chinese products have a 50/50 chance of working, but this happens to be pretty good quality stuff.
Some of the items are a little useless in my opinion (who needs a booklight for an ipad) but I was going to buy maybe half of these products individually, I figured it would be cheaper to buy the
Bundle. Decent quality items, and most of them are pretty useful so overall a good buy.
Although it says it's for the "New Apple iPad", this does not mean for the iPad2. It must be for the original iPad. The two cases in the bundle were too big for the iPad2. The other accessories in the bundle such as the car charger and USB cables are nice, though.
I ordered this set for the price seemed very reasonable The set alone was worth the price. However after using the wall charger for about one week the Wall charger has quit working. Lot of other accessories that I may never use.
Make sure you read the description carefully. The clear case is listed twice and it listed three different USB cords but I only got two. There isn't really 15 pieces. The quality is poor but you didn't pAy much for it. The car charger does work and that alone in a store would have been about the same price as the whole set
This 15 item Accessory packet for the Ipad 2 is outstanding. I receive this Accessory packet a few day after I ordered it and I have already put these items to good use. I have seen these items on other sites and this Accessory Packet is great for the price.
The TsirTech 15-Item Accessory Bundle comes with a lot of things I wish my iPad did ... extra chargers, extra cables, a screen protector, a stylus .... I bought this as a gift for someone who just got a new iPad and was tempted to keep some of the items for myself.
A poor quality product, not upto the expectation. The only reason why I gave it 2 stars is because it is quite cheap then other products. The Ipad does not fit properly. I am not sure if this is actually designed for iPad 2 thought the name suggests 'New'. I suggest to spend another $20 and get a better product.
The description says for "New Apple iPad 3g" Not true, nothing and I mean nothing in this kit fits the iPad 2. The chargers and cords do not work either, none of them. This is cheap crap. Complete garbage. Don't even think about buying. I am returning everything today. - Bundles - Apple - Bundle - Ipad'
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