In the last few years I started suffering terrible skin breakouts like crazy all the time. My skin was going from clear to blotchy red almost overnight and it was soo greasy too. The skin doctor I went to swore up and down that it all I was suffering from was just a hormonal imbalance and it would eventually pass but after taking prescriptions for it for three months, I saw absolutely no difference in my appearance. I began to stay inside all the time and also became very moody as well. I was so desperate that I probably spent a small fortune trying pretty much every kind of acne "cure" I came across in the stores. Then the doctor decided to give me another prescription but this time the stuff ended up doing nothing but making made my face even redder. I started using Acnefree and had fairly good results. A friend of mine had been taking a herbal acne supplement called Clearzine and suggested I try it too. I was going to wait until I was finished with the Acnefree program but thought maybe combining both would provide better results. Well after a week of using both my acne was completely gone and after 3 weeks all the blemishes and red spots were gone! If you are thinking of trying Acnefree, pick up a bottle of Clearzine too and try them together. These weren't overnight cures, so don't think it's gonna solve your problems in a few days. But I really think this combo is worth a shot, I am very impressed with how well it worked for me. It also got rid of the greasy, oily feeling on my face as well. I'm pretty convinced now that there are no miracle overnight acne cures but this product really seemed to work for me, I really liked how easy it was to use too. I've tried proactive before, it's similar but more expensive and did not work as well (for me personally at least). Anyway, like I said, I'm really impressed. AcneFree Clear Skin System, 3-Step Kit (Purifying Cleanser, Renewing Toner, Repair Lotion)
I have had pretty bad acne since I was 14 (Im now 20). I never thought I would even make it just a little better. I tried this stuff and after 2 or 3 weeks I noticed a huge difference. I have acne, acne scars and huge pores that are really visible. This stuff made all 3 of those things go away. My skin is starting to look smooth instead of like it has holes.
A bit of advice for people who have just started using it:
*At first this stuff dried out my lips and made them chap, that went away after a few days.
*I noticed that the next morning after using the 3-step stuff, I would get the white-head pimples, then by the end of the day they would go away. So if you get white heads after using this, don't think it is making it worse, the pimple is probably trying to fight the product.
I am writing to thank everyone who posted their experiences here. As an adult acne sufferer it is easy to become hopeless- even when you're starting to see changes but they aren't coming fast enough. In this case, I needed encouragement to be patient and wait for the changes that were in store. I've been using Acnefree every day for the last month. I first came across a bottle left over in the shower at my gym. I used it because it listed benzoyl peroxide which is the only acne med that works (trust me, I've used them ALL) and tea tree oil in the ingredients. I had recently started applying pure tea tree oil to my face and felt the combination would be ideal. I can't tell you how surprised I was to come across the formulation so randomly. My was much less greasy after using the product so I bought the 3-step kit.
It did not work in three days to eliminate my acne but I could immediately appreciate an improvement in the feel of my skin. It felt cleaner and wasn't greasy. That in itself was a miracle since in addition to spending hundreds of dollars on acne meds, I've probably laid out the same amount on blot sheets, mattifying lotions, etc. I did break out more in the first couple of weeks but, thanks to the words I read on this and other websites, I didn't give up on the system. Apparently, this product sucks the bacteria from deep in your skin to the surface so it can be removed. I have some photos of my cheeks in the past two weeks looking worse than they have in a long time so I believe this is true.
Now, however, I can truly say that I've turned the corner. My face is smooth. The hard, painful bumps that emerged in the past two weeks are totally gone. Even though I am just using this kit and not the fade cream, the marks on my face are visibly lighter. I have not had a new whitehead in few days. The driness (which wasn't excessive) over the past month has been totally worth it because it has revealed beautiful new skin. I am so grateful to have found this product after a decade of daily self-consciousness about my skin, wondering if a new whitehead had emerged since I last checked, wiping oil from my forehead several times a day, desperately researching cures that all failed, and worrying every time I met a guy what he'd think when my foundation was off- finally, I'm free.
I have a few notes about application. I also bought the Terminator to deal with the new bumps that came up. It didn't offer an instant fix but it probably helped and was cheap enough at Target that it wasn't a burden to add to the regimen. I tried putting on tons of the product, as suggested on acne.org. That did not seem to make an appreciable difference. Acnefree works in its time, and I couldn't accelerate it, but it did work. Also, I've seen people post here that they do not use a cotton swab to apply the repairing lotion. I switched to using one because it helps exfoliate the skin. You can actually see dead skin cells coming off as the lotion is going on and I found when I didn't do this, my cheeks felt rough and looked darker. Lastly, I truly believe this product works all day as advertised. With other acne meds, I would put them on under my makeup and find that I usually had a whitehead by the end of the day. This product keeps my skin feeling extremely fresh all day long and seems to be having an antibacterial effect that prevents new breakouts during the day. My makeup also looks great when my skin is so clear and non-greasy.
I'm writing this out of a true sense of compassion for everyone who suffers with acne. Try this product. Stick with it because it will work eventually. And, as someone who has finally woken up with beautiful skin after trying desperately to achieve this for ten years, I can tell you it feels great. - Skin Care - Pimples - Acne Free - Acne Treatment'
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