This product is amazing. It clears my acnes in just a few days. I suffered from adult acne for a long time. It comes and goes every once a while. Nature's Cure helps me get in control.
It does have some side effects. Your skin gets dry, especially the area you use the cream on. It also causes itches on your ears and nose. Nature's Cure Two-Part Acne Treatment System, for Women, 1 month supply (60 Tablets, 1 Ounce Cream)
If you have had acne for years and tried everything, give this a shot. My sister and I did and it worked. We dont use the cream that comes with it because it is too irritating to our skin. We just take the pills. My skin has cleared up so well. It took me about 4 months to really notice a change so dont expect miracles overnight.
I've always had uneven skin with breakouts (lucky me!) The only thing that kept the breakouts at bay was birth control. But wanting to start a family, I had to forego the birth control and back came the breakouts! I tried EVERY cream and product on the shelf. I steered clear of this product because I really didn't want to add yet another pill to my daily routine but I was desperate. It's been about 2.5 weeks and I am seeing a HUGE difference in my skin. YAY!!!! I give this product 5 stars and would recommend it to anyone trying to clear up their face. FWIW, this isn't only for teens, I am 33. Cheers to clear skin!!!
i used this when i was in high school when my skin was pretty terrible for a while. after using it for a few months, my skin was the best it had ever been. stopped using it for a while, went to a dermatologist when my skin got bad again, and the results were just so-so. it got too expensive, so i started trying non-prescription products and systems that have infomercials and are supposed to work incredibly well. i wasn't happy with the results. i decided to go back to nature's cure last month and see if it would give me results again. i've been using it for a month, and already i notice a difference. i like the homeopathic route because the side effects are slim to none: no interactions with other medicines, no extra skin sensitivity. the spot treatment, although it contains benzoyl peroxide, does not dry my skin out around the spots, but decreases their size. it's gentle enough that i can apply it several times a day, and my skin still doesn't dry out. there are 2 things i dislike about this product: 1) you can't buy the spot treatment and tablets separate. i haven't even gone through half the tube, and now i have a whole other one. 2) i can't find it in any stores near me! but amazon has good prices, so it's worth it.
In the last year or so my acne has gotten out of control, I don't know if it's hormones or what but changing my diet and excerise routine didn't help so I've been trying different products. Nothing worked, Proactive, any of the drug store brand of washes/cleansers/systems. I remembered that I had used this awhile back but had to stop because it severely dried out my skin. I decided to try it out again. It's only been 4 days and my acne is almost completely gone and what is left looks like it will be gone soon and no new break outs. I'm using this with Garnier gel-cream moisturizer and so far it seems to be helping to keep the Vanishing cream that comes in this package from drying out my skin. As for the pills, I was worried they'd taste horrible (you're supposed to chew them) but they're not even chalky and don't taste like anything. For the price it is, it definitely was worth trying again. I sincerely hopes this works for you too.
This product is the only product that completely cleared up my skin. I bout this product in the beginning of December and I ran out of pills early January. I thought since I didn't have any more pills to take my face would begin to break out again but it hasn't. Actually, my skin is getting better each day and I am still using the vanishing cream of course. Like many people, I tried almost everything from dermatologist, black soap, over the counter products, change in diet, more water consumption and more but nature's cure worked with promising results.
Now, when I first began taking the pills and using the cream I didn't see much of a difference but I kept using the product (so glad I did). I would say that it takes a month for this product to fully work. However, I did you acne free 3 step solution with this product.
My daily routine (including taking the pills night and day religiously):
Acne free face wash (twice a day)
Acne free toner (twice a day)
Nature's cure cream (twice a day)
Acne free moisturizer (twice a day)
I highly recommend this product to any one with mild to moderate acne. I have had trouble with acne for three years now and this is the first time in three years that I have CLEAR skin! Use this product for a month and don't give up on it! - Acne Treatment - Natural - Acne Free - Homeopathic Remedies'
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