I hear a lot of flack against this movie. So many people complain about sequels these days. Of course the second one is never as good as the first. When you see the first movie of a series, everything is new and exciting, the characters are larger than life and its everything and more than you expected because you never expected it. For god's sakes, the movie was created from cartoon characters. If you watch the old shows, the plotlines of the "Transformers" cartoon were cheesy, the animation was sub-par and the action was canned; And we loved every bit of it. The fact is; the show was about robots from another planet that can change into ordinary vehicles fight other robots that can change into other vehicles. There was no real story, that's not why we loved the "transformers". We loved them because they were cool. The movie is just that. "Cool" Micheal Bay didn't set out to solve world dilemmas with this movie. His focus was not to create a love story that trumps "The Notebook" or a robot version of "Willy". No, he set out to make movie of a cartoon of robot that fight other robots and that's what he did and he did it larger than life. This is not the Green Mile, or the Shawshank Redemption. And all the trendy sheep who insult this movie and pick it apart just to make themselves sound smart have no concept of action films for the sake of action. If you loved the cartoon, go see the movie. If you didn't, then don't. Simple as that. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Two-Disc Special Edition) [Blu-ray]
So i grew up on transformers and of course im going to love the movie... but regardless of that.. this movie has amazing graphics, storyline is awesome.. and you can trust me.. you will have moments of outright laughter.. I bought it and have watched it on more than one occasion... very enjoyable.. and this is safe for the majority of ages to watch in my opnion.
This movie transforms eye candy to a new level. This movie is not only funny at points, it is loaded with tons of special effects and action. While there have been some extensive negative reviews, I recommend that you still see it for yourself.
What I find to be a big plus in this film is that they did not cover under the darkness of night the climax of the action sequences (like in Iron Man 2 that hid its climax at night). The animators are simply brilliant and are capable of creating their wares in the full view of the sun. This is a bold step that must be appreciated.
The visuals are crisp and the 'transformations' are electrifying. This is an action film, so there is no mind bending plot here. It is just a lot of bigger than life action sequences, one after the other. There are no dull moments in this film, you if you have to get something, put this film on pause!
If you're a boy age 12 or below - AND ONLY THEN - you might enjoy this movie. For the rest of us (people over 12 with at least half a brian & up) - it's probably one of the worst blockbusters you will ever see. In your life! I'm not asking much from a movie like this - really - BUT the plot, and all characters - human & alien alike - are SO shallow & empty - that you can't help feeling personally insulted watching this trash. I'm someone that enjoyed the new Terminator, Batman & Star Trek - these franchises have evolved, while not sacrificing their Sci-Fi & Comic book roots. They gained depth & respect from audiences of all ages by becoming more - Transformers however, has gone the other direction - by becoming WAY WAY less. Idiotic jive talking robots ala annoying Jar Jar Binks infamy, hysterical overacting, and a feel that reminds you of that awful '97 'Batman & Robin' with Mr. Freeze - only worse - numbs your senses for 2 1/2 hours. All the over the top settings & special effects can't bring this movie up to a 2 star rating. And Megan Fox' character is about 3 times too hot for Shia LaBeouf, on a side note. But I don't mind either actors - I actually think they can act way better, than what they're forced to lower themselves to by director Michael Bay - someone who's 'movies' I will NOT touch again with a ten foot pole as long as I can help it. Such trash is simply offensive - it's the lowest of all possible denominators a movie can sink to. GO AWAY - MICHAEL BAY!!!
Yes, I thought the first Michael Bay Transformers was bad. I wasn't expecting the sequel to be much better, but in the back of my mind I was hoping. Michael Bay apparently decided there wasn't enough crass humor, overt sexuality, poor character development, useless moving parts, explosions, and nameless robots transforming into formless metallic amoebas in the first movie. So now there is more of all that in this one. Of course, it doesn't make the movie better, just longer.
1) The twins. I don't think I need to explain this.
2) Sam's parents, excessive comic relief, no importance to the story.
3) Mikaela and the Decepticon fem-bot. Ok, I'm a male, yes I think Meghan Fox is hot. I personally, do not mind seeing her wearing skimpy revealing clothes. But come on, give her some depth. First of all, this movie is being used to sell toys to 6-year-olds. There is no need for such overt female objectification in this movie. Seriously, she spends most of the movie with that pouty expression and posing seductively, instead of acting. Same complaint with the "fem-bot", I felt it was completely unnecessary to the story.
4) Everyone is comic relief. Ok, I'm all for comic relief in action movies. But seriously, you can't build an action movie around an entire cast of comedians. More than 3 comic relief characters, and you should call it "Giant Robot Movie" (ie. Scary Movie series).
5) Visual effects. Sometimes less is more. The robots are too complex, too many moving parts. It is very hard to follow the action trying to follow these overly detailed monochromatic machines as they fly through cities causing random destruction everywhere. In the original cartoon, the simpler designs were easier to identify and they were distinctively color-coded. Most of the Decepticons look the same.
6) There are no rules. Basically, Michael Bay is telling us that alien robots can do whatever they please. They can change their alt-forms at will or become giant robo-amoebas. If you hack them to pieces, each part can become a completely new Transformer. Robots can transform into people. Mechanical devices can turn into dust, communicate telepathically with humans, then reform themselves from said dust and resurrect dead Transformers. And other mechanical devices or even a tiny piece of them can turn earth machines into robots (complete with machine-guns) or resurrect Transformers.
7) Questionable motivations on both sides. So at the end of episode 1, this autobot declared he would stay with Sam forever and ever. Ah, how touching. Now Sam decides to go to college and he won't take Bumblebee with him. What a jerk. He saved the world once, but now Optimus Prime asks for his help to do it again, and college is more important. Why does Sam give the All-Spark sliver to his unrealistically hot girlfriend for safe-keeping, instead of Bumblebee, Optimus or any of those government guys? Why do the Decepticons want to destroy the sun? I mean really, Cybertron is supposedly destroyed, do they have another planet to inhabit once this solar system is wiped out?
1) Peter Cullen and Frank Welker
2) Explosions
1) The battle with Optimus Prime in the woods was really cool, but it didn't have nearly the emotional impact of the animated movie from the 80's because it was decided early on that they could just resurrect him before the end of the movie. And with no "Hot Rod" character, Sam's episode of feeling guilty seemed pretty shallow.
All in all, a terrible movie from a critical point of view. People will like the movie if they are a big fan of loud booms and not optional things like story. I feel guilty spending money on this disaster, though. - High Definition - Michael Bay - Transformers - Revenge Of The Fallen'
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