Choosing the right glue for any given job can be confusing as there are so very many to select from these days. Life was so much simpler in the "olden days" when you had basically three choices; the tasty white stuff that smelled wonderful in a small jar which a kid in my first grade class consumed almost constantly, There was the sort of yellowish stuff in a bottle that resembled something you would find in your hanky after you blew your nose and of course, as in my case when I was very young, four and water glue your mom made up for you to use.
No, times are different now and you can sort of go into consumer overload figuring out what to use and what not. I have tried quite a number of the current `glue sticks' over the past several years and have watched numerous children use quite a variety of them.
The glue stick being reviewed here, made by Avery, is somewhat different and slightly unique in that it goes on in color and when it dries, it becomes clear. I find this quite appealing and in my case, extremely useful.
I am a senior citizen....actually; I am well into my dotage, enjoying a second childhood, thank you very much! I will be the first in line to tell you that my eyesight is not what it used to be. Quite often when applying glue to a surface, especially a large surface, I miss spots. With much of the work I do concerning by hobbies, this is not a good thing. With this colored glue the chances of my missing a spot is lessoned quite a bit.
I have found the adhesive properties of this glue to be just as good as any other brand I have tried. It is good to use on fabric (a big point for me), cardboard, paper, photographs (acid free and archival safe. another important point as far as I am concerned) and even thought it is not listed, it works quite well on dried plant leaves. Another big, big quality for me is that this glue possesses is that it is washable! I am not the neatest person in the world and can normally get any glue all over clothing.
This stuff is of course nontoxic so it can be safely used by children, or if eaten by one of your dogs, which has happened to me on numerous occasions, you can feel safe.
Now I notice that some have had a problem with the glue clumping up when applied. This product does have a more jell like quality than some I have used, but I personally have not had this problem. Of course I am quite careful and use a rather light hand when I apply the stuff. As for being messy when children use it; there are quite a number of kids out there that can mess up anything...I know, I was and am one of them. When I was a wee one you could have locked me in a cement bunker, given me nothing but a ping-pong ball, and I could have trashed the place in ten minutes. I have not changed much over the years; ask my wife. I note that some/many kids are still like that. Perhaps it is a natural thing and should be looked upon as a sign of a creative kid rather than a kid who is a sloppy little wretch. I have been called both. I suppose it depends on who has had to clean up my messes; myself or others.
Anyway, this is good stuff. I use it quite often and keep a supply handy in my home office. For me it works. The price here seems in-line with what I pay locally, but of course there is the shipping to consider. I suppose when all is said and done that this is a good tool to use on specific jobs.
Don Blankenship
The Ozarks Avery Disappearing Glue Stics, 0.26 oz, Pack of 6 (98096)
We use these for sealing envelopes, school projects, crafts, anything that requires gluing paper. I like that it is purple when you apply the glue, so you know just where you glued, but then it disappears. These are gel-like, and don't seem to dry out to that useless gunk like the white glue sticks. Great value on this multi-pack!
Although it's nice to have glue that goes on one color and then disappears, but this glue isn't solid enough to avoid huge clumps of glue coming off on the paper. I have tried many other glue sticks and much prefer them over this kind. If I had children using it the glue would be very difficult to control.
We have four kids, so we always have some kind of project going on. We use a lot of glue sticks especially during the school year. We've tried every glue stick out there, and I think most of them are exactly the same.
What makes this stick stand out is the disappearing color. It goes on blue, but quickly becomes invisible. This helps small kids see where they still need to apply glue, and gives the overall project a nice look when finished. It's also water washable, so it quickly washes out of clothes, carpet, desks and hands. It's also non-toxic, just in case someone tries a taste. They also claim it's acid free to protect photos and scrapbooking, although we don't use it for that purpose.
We buy this glue and send it in to teachers to have in the classroom - it's inexpensive and they appreciate it. With free Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25, this is a good deal. - Glue Stick - Glues - Art Glues - Crafts'
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