I have always used a 2 hole punch and a flat document organizer to keep track of my son's school work, and I thought that this year, a 3-ring binder might be easier to flip through. I saw this on Amazon, and the price was right. It fits right into the binder, so it would be very convenient to have...
IF it actually worked. Two holes line up just fine. The third does not line up with the puncher and won't punch through paper. You can work around it by flipping over the paper, but why?
For about the same price, you can go to a store and get a nice hefty three-hole punch that you can test for yourself. It doesn't fit in the binder, and you have to go get it, but at least it works. X-Acto Binder 3-Hole Punch (1520) (Colors May Vary)
I bought this for my high school son. It works great as he just slips this into his 3 ring binder and uses it whenever he needs it at school. It does not add any bulk to his bag and has been working really well for the last year. However, it takes only 4 pages at a time and the little bits of paper fall out. That is not an issue given how light and sleek it is.
I received my hole punch and it was pink. I was going to give this as a gift to a boy along with other school supplies. I guess I'm out of luck. I tried it and it did punch the paper but it does not store the punched holes as was advertised. I was very disappointed because I have one by "It's Academic" and it does store the punched holes and it also has the holes for your binder. I will now buy the "It's Academic" brand.
I had the same issue as the other one-star reviewer. The punch seemed to work fine the first time I tested it out, but a few days later I retried it and one of the end holes did not fit anymore. Total waste of money.
This is my second one. I bought one from my mom's college because she is a professor at NJIT. It was about $14. My first impression was... That is expensive. It must be a waste of money. I mean, all school hole punchers are! (Well, Most of them if you compare them to this one!) I had that same hole puncher for about 2-3 years. It worked wonderfully. It works now, but has started to break. The description says hole-punch up to like 5 pages or something like that. I was able to hole punch PACKETS in that. Probably 20 pages! It's amazing. But hole-punching so many pages probably caused it to break.
So, I decided to buy another one! This was I think $5? So yeah, college products are over priced. Like the last one, I LOVED it. I actually bought two. One for me and one for my bf. The thing I did not like is they did not allow us to pick the colors. The two that came to me were Neon Green, and Neon Pink. Of course I had to take the pink. It was not a option for my boyfriend. He did not want the green, but he liked the hole puncher so he took it anyways. I think he is actually fine with the green, but it would be nice to pick your own colors. I wanted the green and he wanted the blue.
But whatever, who cares about the color when this is such an amazing product!! LOVE IT.
I received the hole punch in the mail, after much excitement and anticipation of its arrival, and it was PINK!! When the product says "colors may vary", it means it, because pink is definitely not the color I wanted. As for the functionality, it works for what it is. It definitely does NOT punch 20 pages, or even really more than 4 or 5. It is quite cheap, and flimsy, although what do you expect for the price. If you can, buy a good 'real' hole-puncher and don't waste your time or money on this, as far as compactibility, it is quite small, compared to larger metal hole punchers, so there are many trade-offs in this product.
I needed a 3 hole punch that was portable and that fact that it fits into my binder is even better. It isn't bulky and allows the binder to close regularly. I've used it with 3-4 sheets so far and it works great. The back does hold the punches while you are punching but as soon as you pick it up, they fall out. So you just have to mindful of that as carefully pick it up to empty it each time you just it.'
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