I purchased this item so that I could play DVDs from all Regions (particularly Region 2 in PAL format) and it works like a dream. I can now order DVDs of my favorite UK shows from Amazon UK that are (1) at a much less expensive price than what's being asked for the same product in the US or (2) not yet released in the US. It also plays all of my Region 1 formatted DVDs without any problems. I did order an HDMI hook-up with it. I'm delighted that I have it and am stunned that I only had to invest $49 for it. For the reviewer who cannot get the player to work with DVDs from other Regions, maybe it's a defect in your player. Mine works just fine. Panasonic DVD-S48 All Multi-Region PAL/NTSC Progressive Scan DVD Player
Supposedly a region free player, this not only played selectively only a few foreign dvds, rejecting the others as unplayable, it then started rejecting about 80-90% of all the dvds put into it. Unusable.
So, my wife and I watch a HUGE amount of TV in digital format off of USB jump drives. Our last dvd/usb player kicked the bucket after 2 years, so we decided to look for a different brand. I figured Panasonic makes a decent product, and the specs said this would play DIVX files, so we were good, right?
The specs say it's multi-region, plays all different kinds of video formats, etc...
Turns out that's not the case. It'll play a dvd, but that's about it. I tried to play every video format I've got on my computer via USB and DVD-R. No dice.
Gonna return it because A) I need something that will play my videos, and B)it doesn't work as claimed in the specs.
Bummer. Guess you do get what ya pay for.
I purchased this item believing (as shown in advertisement) that it was a 'zone free' dvd player. Not so! Despite the fact that the packaging also claims this, more that half of my American release dvd's will not play on this machine. All of my foreign films do play with no problem, but now I have to purchase an 'American' dvd player for my others. A very disappointing purchase.
I bought this player specifically because the item description says it will play MPEG-4 (MPG4) and DivX (AVI) files.
It will not play either of these formats, nor will it play MOV, MPG, or AVI, which are common movie formats.
I see that several others commented on the same problem - not meeting the item description capabilities.
I am returning mine for a refund.
Ok, it was cheap and it works. The best it will do with 'composite connection' (no S-Video or HDMI) is 480p after setting Video to 'Progressive Scan' in setup. I have only one PAL title now and the best I can get on the big screen is letterbox unless I use the zoom control. Audio seems to handle everything. - Progressive Scan - Upconverting Dvd Player - Sony Dvd Player - Sony Dvd'
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