I was looking for a new digital camera to replace my Leica V-Lux 1 which a bought a couple of years ago. I sold the Leica and was planning to use the money to buy a current camera. My dilemma was whether to stay with a super zoom camera (flaws and all) or take a step toward an entry model DSLR. I also wanted a 2009 model as I wanted the most current technology available so I would be less inclined to feel the need to buy an "upgrade" in another year or so. Ultimately, I narrowed my search down to the Sony HX1, Canon SX1, Panasonic G1 and Sony a300. For me, build quality and feel, size (travel convenience) and lens versatility were my main priorities (not necessarily in that order). I think it is very important to figure out exactly what you really want out of your camera so you get a good fit that matches your expectations. So for me, low light picture quality was not a major concern as I expected to use the camera mostly outdoors or in good lighting situations. And in-door shots were probably going to be portraits or museum shots so again it was not a big concern for me.
Initially, I really liked the form factor of the SX10 (SX1 was not out yet) and its feel in my hands and layout. But I did want a reusable intelligent battery vs. AAs and I was not that impressed with the screen resolution and EVF. Reviews of the SX1 were also a little disappointing so I decided to pass on the Canon. I next explored the DSLRs. I really liked the Sony a300 but in the end couldn't justify the cost (this is a minor hobby for me and kids are teenagers so there are a lot less Kodak moments for m) and I didn't want to lug lenses around as I did that most of my life when I had old fashioned film cameras like the Nikon FE2 / N6006. The G1 was very intriguing but I was leaving on a summer vacation in early June and did not want to wait too long as I wanted to be completely familiar with the camera before the trip and know how to "work" the camera so I got good results (experience has taught me that there is a learning curve on getting descent pictures from a particular model) so I passed on the G1 as its release date was in June. In the end, I "talked" myself out of buying a DSLR system for one main reason - I simply was not ready or committed to traveling around with all the lenses I would want - wide angle and zoom. Basically I went with convenience / ease of use over picture perfection. For ME the step up in picture quality was not worth the trouble of walking around with all that gear. I do a fair amount of camping and scenic trips so I like to keep my load light. HD video was not an issue at all as I have the Canon HV30 which is simply an amazing camcorder. It also takes incredible video in low light situations. I highly recommend it.
In the end, I decided on the HX1 because of the features that I thought were cool and would inspire creativity on my part. For me, convenience is a big factor. At some point, my enthusiasm drops off in direct relationship to whether or not it is a PIA to do something. This is a character flaw for me but worth considering if you have similar tendencies over time. Interestingly, this also happens to be my first Sony camera although I have had several Sony camcorders in the past - so I don't believe that brand loyalty or familiarity with Sony played a part in my decision (aside from my confidence that Sony products made in Japan are exceptionally well made). The panoramic picture, twilight and anti-blur features and burst picture mode (10 frames) ultimately swayed. I thought that all of these features, despite some valid weaknesses added value to the camera and would enhance my digital camera experience. I also really liked the build quality, menu structure and ergonomics. As for the features, the panoramic picture feature works well once you understand how to use it and recognize its limitations. So far I have been very happy with the results. I am working on sharpening the picture as I think it is a little soft for my tastes. But it is so easy to use and I use it often just for fun! I find myself exploring options - something I would not do before and certainly not during post production when I am trying to tweak the 100s of pictures that I have taken during some adventure. Same for the twilight and anti-blur features. I find myself trying out each feature and comparing the results. Again, I am very happy with the results. Is it exceptional - no, but pictures turn out better than if you did not have the option and I am not overly critical as it looks great on the screen or 4x6 print out. Even 8x10 is respectable. Quite frankly, it's really nice not to have to do all that editing in "post production". (I use Adobe CS.) I think the lens quality is exceptional and like the way the camera lens extends out when you power up the camera - as it pushes off the lens cap. A small cute feature that everyone seems to have overlooked in their reviews. But quite easy to get used to - like all the little auto on features in your car (and the lens has a strap so it safely hangs by the side of the camera). I am not sure if that is an intended result but I love it.
I wish the initial start up was a tad faster but it's not slow - I just wish it was faster. Zooming in and out is average. Nothing to write home about but not necessarily slow. My recollection is that the Panasonic Z26 I had at one time was faster. I also wish the lens was slightly wider than 28mm but it will have to do. (I am spoiled on this point as my son has a Nikon 10.5mm lens on his Nikon D2H and it is amazing when taking close ups of flowers, etc. - I love the distortion). But on the flip side the zoom is amazing on the HX1 and the anti-shake feature seems to do the job. I love the way I can pull a subject in to fill the screen! So overall I am very happy with the lens' performance. The EVF is small but has nice resolution. The 3" screen is beautiful and much better than what I saw on the SX10. The Sony screen reminds me of HD TV - it is that smooth and the colors are fantastic. It appears to have a very good anti-reflective coating. Hopefully it will last. I wish it had a swivel mount like the canon so I could turn in the screen to protect it when it is put away but the articulating stem is better than nothing.
Menu navigation is relatively easy for me with the HX1 and I prefer it to the Canon menu for some reason - even though I have HV30 camcorder. I think Sony started from scratch on this menu or adopted the basic scheme from the a300/a350 series and it makes sense and is intuitive. I like it better than the menu tree on my past Nikons, Canons and Panasonics.
All in all, I am extremely happy with the HX1 (only had it for a week so far) and strongly recommend that you check out the camera in person as I read every (and I mean every) pre-sale review on it and found that a lot of the criticisms were overly hyper-technical or ultimately less significant during my test of the camera. Sony Cybershot DSC-HX1 9.1MP 20x Optical Zoom Digital Camera with Super Steady Shot Image Stabilization and 3.0 Inch LCD - Digital Camera - Superzoom - Hx1 - Sony'
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