I wouldn't recommend anybody to buy this item. I tried this item on all my TV and is very poor quality picture. Is very difficult to read any text on the screen. You have to use the zoom option when ever you want to read the text. Even my Son don't like it, when I attached his computer to his TV. It takes awhile to adjust all the options to really get it right and believe me you won't get it the way you wanted. I'm a technician and I deal with video and sound and this item does not perform as advertise. Grandtec PC to TV Video Component ( GXP-2000 )
This unit is junk! In my application, I have a video card with an S video output and a TV with S video as well as hi def component inputs. I bought this unit hoping to improve the S video picture quality I already had. The picture quality was actually worse than the S video hook up. I went thru all of the menus, played with all the settings and couldn't get it to appear better than what I already had with my S video connection. The picture was bowed inward on all 4 sides, the colors were all off, the resolution got no better despite using the component video hook ups. I returned it first thing the following morning. And I've been chomping at the bit to post MY opinion on it and tell others not to be duped.
If your PC includes an S video out on the video card, save yourself $100 and use that. If your PC has the ability to upgrade the video card, save yourself $50 and get one with S video output (around $50 if you look hard enough) and use that.
The ONLY applications where I can see this unit being beneficial is if you don't have an S video input on your TV, forcing you to use a composite or an RF connection (this unit supports any of the 4 types of hook ups) on your TV and / or your pc does not have an AGP slot to support a non-proprietary video card upgrade that includes S video.
I read all the reviews I could find on this unit before making a purchase myself. Although, I didn't find many. Most good, a couple bad... all I can say is the good ones must not have had S video.
Only buy this product if it's your ONLY option!!
Connected converter to my small (14") LCD TV (resolution 640x480) and had a great picture immediately. Text is blurry, but if you want to watch dvd, downloaded movies, or one of the streaming networks (like HULU) on your TV using the component video inputs, it's great. You will still need audio cables since this unit only provides video!
After I purchase some audio cables, I plan to connect this to my 37" LCD & I'll let you know if it's still 4 stars.
I needed a box that could take a VGA signal and convert it to component. More specifically, I needed it to take resolutions HIGHER than 480i (640x480) and convert it to 480i over a component signal. This box does just that. I have my desktop set to 1024x768, and the box takes that, and sends a 480i signal to my TV, the maximum resolution of an SD TV.
This box does NOT take a VGA signal and sent out an HD resolution over component (no 720p, 1080i, or even 1080p). Do not get this box hoping to do more than it can. It won't, and you'll just end up whining on here about how "soft" or blurry the image is. Don't buy this box if you need HD over component!
I'm using this box in a self-built arcade cabinet. That means this box is primarily drawing one thing: games. I knocked it down one star because occasionally the box has v-sync issues and will draw a line down the screen of noticeable tearing. I imagine this has something to do with this box taking a 60Hz refresh rate that the computer is sending out, and converting it to a 30Hz refresh rate for the component signal ON THE FLY and coupled with the fact that it is cheap hardware. Won't happen in anything static, but games with a lot of sideways movement (side scrollers) or 3D games with a lot of movement are going to experience it more frequently than others. It's not bad, it's livable as it's not every moment you're playing, but it does happen and I will knock it a star.
All in all, I would recommend it. These days I'd be hard pressed to understand why anyone would need one outside of what I'm using it for, but, whatever; use it forever you need it for, just know it's limitations and strengths.
I'll bet the three complainers didn't pay attention to the RANGE....30 meters!!! I had this across the house and had the same problem...moved to a PC that was in the next room and the picture (and SOUND!) was perfect. I've also used this in a classroom with SUPER success! I guess reading the instructions is a must?
The picture quality was poor. Poor brightness-contrast. Very poor sharpness. Complete waste of time trying to use this thing to make a HDTV into a computer monitor. Too bad my HDTV only has component video and no VGA input.'
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