Popular Mechanics is a Jack-of-All-Trades Magazine. I have been an avid reader since high school picking up every other issue or so at local newsstands. I only recently finally got smart and picked up a subscription. For the price you can't go wrong. PM is filled with informative articles on everything ranging from new technology, world events, woodworking tips, car care, automotive design, and computers. PM does not delve to deep into any particular subject, rather it gives you a broad view of all of them. In each issue your likely to find tips on how to change and fix a flat tire on your car, plans on how to build wood furniture, reviews on new cars, and reports on upcoming technology. The articles are always interesting and provide enough information to let you do a little more digging if the subject matter sparks your interest. Jay Leno even writes an automotive section that is always enjoyable to read. The product reviews are informative and have helped me with numerous purchases ranging from new cars, snow blowers, power tools, dirt bikes and the like. I would recommend this magazine to anyone interested in any of the mentioned subjects but can't afford 40 different subscriptions to cover them all. Popular Mechanics (1-year auto-renewal)
For me, this magazine has it all: technology, automotive, aviation, boats, home repair, and much more. It gives a great overview of what is happening in many industries and hobbies. I have generally read the entire issue two days after I have received it, and I don't have a lot of free time for reading.One of the best aspects of this magazine is that is does not take itself too seriously. It does a great job creating articles that are informative and detailed, but leaves room for fun and offbeat topics too.Last year Popular Mechanics readers got to follow a PM sponsored NASCAR car. This year they have switched to a top fuel dragster. These articles give you a good behind the sense look at what it takes to race these impressive vehicles.If racing is not your style, checkout the woodworking section where a myriad of woodworking projects are presented. Don't forget their annual woodworkers special with a whole host of plans in a single issue.Got a leaky water heater? Check the home repair section. Car on the fritz? Check the auto repair section. Wondering what is new in the military? Watch for the frequent special articles on the Special Forces and their hardware. This magazine has a great deal to offer!For an all around look at technology and all things mechanical, you can't beat Popular Mechanics!
My rating is for the overall package of magazine and subscription service.
The subscriptions are handled by BuySub and they appear to be totally incompetent. I ordered Popular Mechanics and several other magazine subscriptions. I have an Amazon account, my address is totally correct, I was charged for the subscriptions, and all were fine except the one handled by BuySub ... somehow the goons at BuySub screwed up my address so badly that the USPS refused to deliver the magazine. BuySub/Hearst offers no phone call and their "Contact Us" page doesn't always work, so I had to resort to sending queries via email. I corrected my address and explaind that I was missing 2 issues according to their record of when my subscription started. They responded telling me that they would send only 1 of the 2 issues. They never sent that issue, nor did my subscription resume after I corrected the address. I contacted them again and told them I was now missing 3 issues and told them they needed to send the issues or extend my subscription. They responded with "Your request to cancel your subscription has been received".
TOTAL INCOMPETENCE! I did not request to cancel my subscription, I requested the missing issues or an extension. If they're going to be idiots and cancel my subscription, could they tell me if I'm being reimbursed? I had to respond again, and now I'm going to contact my credit card company and see if they can do anything for me.
NEVER AGAIN will I subscribe to any magazine handled by BuySub. I have wasted a huge amount of time trying to correct the mistakes that THEY made. They took my money right away and didn't deliver. Totally shabby.
11 weeks have gone by and I have yet to recieve an issue. What burns me up is that I have recieved a RE-SUBSCRIBE letter in the mail from the publisher promising to make sure I dont miss an issue if I pay up for ANOTHER year.
WELL... I havn't gotten my FIRST issue yet.
I took a chance on this magazine approximately 1yr. ago and I am not sorry I did. It has a wealth of information covering almost anything mechanical and electrical. The how-to section is always informative and helpful, as well as, educational. I will continue this subscription indefinately.
Subscription fulfillment on this is very poor. I ordered in July and still haven't received the 1st issue as of the end of October. I called Hearst in September and they told me I should receive the 1st issue in October. In October, they tell me the 1st issue is coming in Decmber and blame Amazon for submitting with a December start date (back in July? and with evidence to the contrary). Either way, can't recommend ordering through Amazon or from this publisher.
2 months have passed since I ordered this and not one issue has been delivered to me.
I did however get a subscription renewal request from Hearst Publications.
That will never happen.
My 1 star rating is for the seller and not the magazine.
I placed an order for a subscription for Popular Mechanics February 9th 2010 and my VISA card was billed immediately (of course). I have not received my first issue. It is now April 3rd. It sounded like a really good deal. Not so much if they won't honor it. It was $13.00 for a two year subscription. Guess I'll have to get after someone and see if they will give me my money back. - Technology - Modern Tips - Magazine - Do It Yourself'
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