I bought this for my five year old daughter. This is a side scroller with 3D graphics. Because of this, the controls are not always intuitive - you really only have the choice of left or right even when it looks like the character is moving away and toward you on the screen. Also, even on the easiest setting, there are a number of near-split-second timed jumping and turning challenges that most five year olds are simply not going to be up to. She has fun playing it, but only if I'm right there beside her to help through the frequent difficult spots. If your child still loves Strawberry Shortcake at the age of 7 or so, this might not be a bad choice. I wouldn't get it for a younger child. Strawberry Shortcake: Sweet Dreams Game
My four year old neice loves this game an awful lot. She does seek my help at times for she is only four! Even though she gets frustrated she still enjoys it. I recommend this game for kids older than three though!
My daughter is almost 4 and wanted so badly to play her older brothers' PlayStation 2. So, we got her this game. She adores Strawberry Shortcake. This game is a little over her head in some spots but she can do a lot with it. We like that it will grow with her. Her brothers (7 and 9) like to play it too. They say they were just helping her, but they actually like it. I would say this is a great buy for 4-8 year olds, depending on their love of Strawberry Shortcake.
**Also, Dora's Purple Planet is another winner for us.**
i just love this game! me and my brother have a black ps2 and we have 26 game for it. i bought this game when we were going to castlerock, because it was the day the toy store was closing at the toys section. so dad said we could get two games, i was so excied! usually grant, my brother, takes longer than me to pick a game. i picked out two games called bratz the movie and and this game. by brother got a game called drive to survive. he only got one game. but he didn't mind, i couldn't wait to try out my games. but it was grant's turn to play his game. after that i was so excited to try out my game it was aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwweeeeeeeesssssoooommmmmm!i looooooooooooove this game!
I purchased this for my then 6 year old daughter. She absolutely loved this game!
It has multiple levels of play, and once you collect enough seeds, you can unlock different characters to play.
A good game for the 5-8 year old.
My daughter is just in love with this game. She normally can not sit still for more than 30 minutes at a time and then has to move on to something else. Not the case with this game, she has been playing it for hours and just loves it.
I ordered this game (and also Dora's Journey to the Purple Planet) for my 4 year old daughter and was very upset to discover that neither of these games could be played on my PS2 system - they both have the "blue backing". I called Sony and the guy said that some of the earlier PS2 systems could not read some the games that were formatted with the blue backing. He mentioned that these games were originally formatted to the original PS system. I was told that I would have to send my PS2 system to Sony and for $45 they would send me a refirbished unit within 7-10 days of receipt. All of our other games work fine so we decided to return the two video games and purchase something else. I wish the companies would indicate the "blue backing" or mention that some games might not work with all gaming system models (mine is the earlier model). Supposedly, with the later models, this isn't a problem. Anyway, I'm sure it is a cute game but I didn't get a chance to find out.
This game is great for smaller children. My daughter is 6 and she can play this game all by herself. She really enjoys it. There are a couple parts of the game where she needs help, but that is it. This was a good buy for her.
I am a 21 year old advanced gamer and had a good challenge helping my little sisters with this game. There is something so soothing about the melody that plays in that one purple-ish dark level that drew me in, anyway my sisters and i liked this game even though i am out of its targeted audience.
My oldest sister, aged 5, also loved the game and I've never seen her more focused on a video game outside of the Kirby and Super Mario series, with the the other games that we bought them they would play on and off for a few days then loose interest and only play them on rare occasions but this game lasted for a good 3 weeks before interest was lost and that's a success in my book.
all-in-all i believe that with a few twists, tweaks, and fine tuning that this series can become a hit series for kids of all ages. Another great game that my sisters loved was Pokemon rumble for the wiis virtual console due to its simplicity.
Edit: sorry for the lack of other details and game specifics as its been a while since I've played this game and my memory of it is quite vague. - Kid Game - Ps2 Kid Games - Playroom - Ps2 Games'
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