This book might be called an advanced basics book if there is such a thing. It explains some important technical information about how lenses are judged by optic designers for contrast quality. I've read a number of Leica books and have not found this information presented in this fascinating way anywhere else.
The book discusses different lens use situations such as for landscapes, portraits, etc. suggesting possible lens sizes for each. SLR Leica focusing bellows, macro adapter, photar close-up lenses, extenders, and telescope eyepiece are covered. Lens/distance perspective is explained.
A number of useful charts are included such as the ratio's between different lens lengths. A short review of all current (as of 1993) Leica R and M lenses is in the back. Some of these basics books are a just an overview and bore but I think this one is a step above in that it covers a lot of material including some insight into when to use a given lens. I say it is worth the money unless you are an old timer who already knows it all.
Discusses the uses of lenses most. The full historical line of lenses is not presented but only those current at the time of publication. Leica Lens Practice: Choosing and Using Leica Lenses
I bought an M8 a few months ago and wanted to learn more about the older Leica lenses. If you are an M user forget this book. It only covers lenses current at the year the book was written, anything before that is not mentioned. A grand total of 12 M lenses are described in a book 192 pages long. Most of the book is about the R system as it apparently had more lenses. Much better info is available free on line. - Leica Lens - Photography Book'
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