I've been trying to figure out the best way to review this book. On the one hand, hard-core rawies maybe won't like the fact that the authors are not 100% raw all the time. But me? I like this. They may say that the recipes are so simple, so why write them into a raw cookbook? Yes, they are simple, but they are very different than those I've seen in other raw books, and I have, I swear, most every raw book published! I enjoy and get inspiration and ideas from them all. But taste and simplicity are the themes here.
In addition to the great recipes, this book is pretty - nice layout, photos, etc., and honestly I am a sucker for pretty books. But again, I am enamored with the ease of these recipes. I think it's almost validation for how I eat and most usually approach the raw thing, meaning - in the summer and early fall and even spring it's much easier and feels more natural to eat a lot of raw. But I live in the Midwest, and in the winter, it is very counterintuitive for me to hunt for pineapple and mango to make a smoothie. I want root vegetables - sometimes cooked - and miso soup. And I won't apologize for that. (There are no cooked recipes in here and none for miso soup, I was just making a point.) I do love the raw recipes that use these root veggies (parsnip, celery root, sweet potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes for example)and I am totally all over the fruit porridges. I'm making my own versions with seasonal fruit and chia seeds, and although many may say it's just a smoothie with less liquid, OK - but I didn't think of it - and I love it. Especially the idea to add celery. My non-raw husband also loved the taco fixings, which we had last night.
I think those new to raw will love these recipes. And those who truly need or want to put something together quickly. A lot of books say "quick" but there are often hidden steps or recipes within recipes that make this misleading. In this book, NONE of the recipes require dehydration, so save for the recommended nut soaking in some recipes, these are very easy to do. Over this Memorial Weekend, the book has been my go-to for some needed cleansing and "body resetting." I think this is a great book for beginners, as well as for those of us who are a little burned out on the more involved recipes many raw food books contain. Right now, this is the way I want to eat, and I'm so glad I found this at a local bookstore so I could see it for myself. I look forward to more raw food books by these two women! (Hope you're working on one!) Raw Food: A Complete Guide for Every Meal of the Day
I cannot list all the recipes that I love from this book, as this review would never end, but my girlfriend thinks I'm a master chef due to this book, and I never was that good in the kitchen to begin with.
As someone who used to work for a smoothie company, I can attest that the fruit smoothie recipes in this book are the real deal. I've even concocted my own recipes based on the ones from the book, all though the originals always seem to taste better than mine.
Overall this book is an A+. The food is consistently good, the recipes are easy to follow (which is important) and I'm eating healthier every single day, and have even given up fast food!
Please buy this book, you won't regret it.
I have many, many raw cookbooks, but I've gotten sick of the heavy, dehydrator, nut based ickyness. Not to mention how hard it is to get many ingredients in NJ in the winter.
The recipes in this book call for easily aquired year round produce, so it's great for winter. Yeah, I know, it's best to go local, but that doesn't help in January.
The recipes are simple and delicious and I can fix them up and eat them the same day! Yippee.
I am a newcomer to raw food, but I started with Alissa Cohen's book, Living on Live Food, which is 50% raw food theory and justification, and only 50% recipes and way too big and heavy. However, Cohen's book has some great recipes that I have used successfully.
I bought Palmcrantz and Lilja's Raw Food thinking I would like to learn some new ideas. This book has little in the way of creative recipes. It's biggest drawback is that it has no index, so if you do find something you would like to refer back to, good luck in finding it! All of the dishes it describes are for completely raw, non-dehydrated foods, so you don't need any special equipment (like a dehydrator) to follow its recipes. I tried making the "I Can't Believe Its Not Salmon Pate" recipe - and I couldn't believe it wasn't a very dull paste composed principally of sunflower seeds, almonds and carrots! This book is light on raw food meal ideas and heavy on glamorous photos of healthy-looking Swedish people. So I'm still looking for a good raw food guide.
I've been flirting with raw food for a while now but ever since i received this book, i have yet to eat a cooked meal. All recipes come out beautiful and delicious, including desserts! Raw carrot cake and raw tacos were a hit at an omnivore's potluck dinner and got everyone interested in raw foods.
I do not own a dehydrator and until last week i did not have a spiralizer either, but you really don't need any special equipment for the recipes in this book.
Looking forward to see what the authors will publish next. Anyone remotely interested in raw foods should give it a try and begin with this book.
This book has it all, wonderful recipes, stunning photos and the presentation is straight forward and convincing. I have tried several recipes and just keep going back to sit and look through the wonderful photos!
I recently converted my diet to 100% raw, and this book has some great recipes that are easy to prepare and don't take a lot of preparation. The book is sectioned by meals and food types (drinks, soups, sides, breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc.). I am particularly fond of the dinner section which is sub-captioned, "I'm Hungry and I Want to Eat Now!" The recipes are truly easy to prepare if you are looking for something to toss together. Just make sure you have some soaked nuts or seeds on hand for some of them. Most of the ingredients are pretty easy to find too.'
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