I purchased this for my 9 month old daughter who fights me every time I try to clip or file her nails. So I thought this will help. It turns out that it takes too long for his to file her nails down. (That's why I took off a star). So I still clip them and then use this to make it smoother.
I definitely like using this electric nail filer than a regular emery file from Babies R Us because I always file too much and end up messing up her nails. I can't seem to go wrong with this one.
I'm sure this would have been an awesome nail filer if she was just an infant when her nails were still very soft and flexible. Too bad they didn't have this 9 months ago! Safety 1st Prograde Gentle Vibes Nail Filer
I bought this battery powered nail file for my newborn son's nails. First of all, the vibrating noise from the file wakes up your baby if you try to file their nails while they sleep. Second, the file head itself is like those cheap old metal-pointed nail files that you grandmother had that never really filed your nails well and just something that you used if nothing else was available. You also have to hold down an "on" button with your thumb while you try to file your infant's tiny nails which is a pain. Using a $0.99 emory board is much more practical, more precise and better on your baby's soft, new nails and does the trick better than this. I would return this item, but it is not worth the price to ship it back for the refund. Don't waste your money on this item - use it towards diapers and just get a inexpensive emory board from your local drug store or pharmacy.
What a great idea! My Grandson is very tempermental and as most newborns, won't hold still so it was very scary for any of us to try cutting his nails. This battery run file does the job painlessly and the baby doesn't mind it at all - a real find!!!!
the vibration is really strong and I worried about "overfiling" my baby's nails. I also purchased this for my sister in law who agreed that the vibrations were too strong. The file is metal, as well, so I don't see how metal can be gentle on the baby's nails. I would not recommend.
I purchased this filer for my 6 month old baby. However, the surface of the metal filer was too rough to use for an infant. It seems that the metal filer vibrating up and down to smooth nails, but did not really work. After filing the baby's nails, I found out the tip of the nails were even rougher and I tried back to the conventional manual filer. Do not try to buy for infants!!!!
i cant recommend this nail filer, it just didnt work for us... it seemed to just bend my daughter's nails and took soooo long for just one nail! imagine holding a newborn's (or a baby's) fingers for that long. i was afraid i would cut her skin with the baby nail-clipper & thats why i bought this. well, i actually found the nail-clipper much easier to control and WAY quicker... my daughter is 14 months old and i have never nicked her.
I guess other people found this helpful, which is why I registered for it. But when I tried filing my newborn's nails, nothing happened. I think it would've taken ages to file her nails down with this. On the flip side, it is very safe since accidentally filing my baby's finger won't hurt her. This is one of those baby items I have never and will never use. - Healthcare Kits - Child Care - Grooming - Nail Files'
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