My only goal here is to save someone $30 who might otherwise be sold (as I was) on the Duke name. The team that created the upcoming Duke Nukem Forever game did NOT work on this title. I thought it was strange that I didn't hear much about this DS title. After playing it I understand why they're trying to slip it under the radar.
-The graphics are outdated. Even for DS (compared to PSP), they are disappointing for 2011.
-On level after level you will be shot by enemies off of the screen. The developers tried to resolve this by allowing you to use right bumper to see 'ahead', but who wants to hold a button down throughtout a level plus have the view be negatively skewed??
-The controls are some of the worst and convoluted that I've seen for a handheld game. For sniping, imagine 4-6 enemies shooting at you while you're using a touch-screen stylus to navigate two separate controls: one to zoom in & out and another to look left and right. Then, another button allows you to hold your breath. Then, yet another button takes the shot. All while you're trying to hold onto your DS! On top of that hand-numbing contortion, the framerate is so poor that it's hard to line up an actual shot.
I could continue to list the negatives but instead will just say that it commits the worst crime a game can commit: it isn't any fun. Duke deserves better. Duke Nukem: Critical Mass
PEPOLE STOP SAYING DUKE NUKEM FOREVER IS BAD! This game is the real garbage. Just go with the real duke in FOREVER or waste money on this trash. There is a good reason why gamers are to mature or next-gen players hate Duke Nukem Forever and it's because of this. The quote on this game, FAIL TO THE KING BABY! Duke Nukem Forever, HAIL TO THE KING BABY! Don't try betting on this crtical mess. - Finally - Duke Nukem - Nintendo - Balls Of Steel'
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