I just got my Bodylastics strong man band system and I am just blown away. I literally will never need to buy any other resistance bands unless I suddenly turn into The Hulk or something because these things are HEAVY DUTY, I swear it seems like you could tow a truck with the orange ones and it comes with two of those! I have not attempted to curl all the bands because to be honest with you I cannot even curl both orange ones which REALLY surprised me because I am by no means weak, I can easily curl 65 lb dumbbells for 10 reps. I am so happy I ordered these bands because they are just the highest quality I have ever even seen. The speed of adding or decreasing resistance is really going to come in handy when I do my P90X workouts too which is really awesome. Even the door anchor that it comes with is massive and there is no way that thing could slip through the door, the regular anchors I have seen I have always been to scared to use because they seem like if you pull to hard they will pop right on through the door and savagely bull whip your skin. It comes with an extra pair of handles too so you can have another resistance ready or share your bands with someone. Also two pair of the leg attachment. I know this review is getting long but I just wanted to be as clear as possible when I tell any and everyone out there who may be considering buying these bands that you should do it because you will not regret it at all. If your looking for some seriously hardcore bands that are going to build really explosive power then you have found them. As Forrest Gump said, Thats all I have to say about that. Bodylastics 19-Piece Strong Man Quick-Clip Resistance Band System
I was a complete skeptic when I came across Bodylastics. I cannot stress enough how much I HATE going to the gym. I loved lifting weights when I was younger, but was always disgusted by how many people go to the gym to talk. I go to the gym to take names, or at least I went... Starting a few months ago, I purchased a set of kettlebells and dropped my gym membership. Not only did this cut $45 a month in fees I didn't get much use out of, but it also freed up some cash to invest in equipment I use anywhere and everywhere. Kettlebells. Medicine balls. And now I have Bodylastics to add to my routines, and after using them a few times, I'm adding them proudly. These things are built like a Russian beet-farmer. Another point is that you should ask a doctor if you have a latex allergy before ordering these. The reaction is nasty: trust me.
First of all, Bodylastics is not a gym in a bag. Gyms are a waste of time if your real interest is athleticism, period. Bodyweight exercises (calisthenics) are the best way to build athleticism safely without much risk of injury. Bodylastics are a great way to either add or subtract resistance to bodyweight exercises. The isolated movements that you're capable of doing with these that are associated with traditional bodybuilding are just icing on the cake. There are a million different ways a creative person can use these, and with essentially limitless amounts of tension... go nuts. As for explosive strength training, I'm going to stick to kettlebells, medicine balls, and boxing. For athleticism and stability: Bodylastics, calisthenics, sprints, and stability balls. Get it clear: Bodylastics is not a total solution. They are an extremely good tool to have in your kit. The value is phenomenal: they are built better and cost less than half the price of other... latex tubes from companies like TheraBand that don't even offer the possibility of modular resistance! It would be an insult to call Bodylastics that: Bodylastics is a product that is as competent as the brain using it. Look around your gym. People are stupid. This package gives you most of the potential of a gym membership, only your results are your own responsibility. No talk. No blame. Resistance tubes are based on real science that will get you outside instead of locked in a sweaty meat locker with idiots that have an inability to bathe properly and stand WAY too close with the blank stare of their oblivious soul.
Now for the bad news: latex is a natural biodegradable product that is harvested from rubber tree sap. Like any other natural product, latex is biodegradable. As an EMT, we are trained to understand that latex starts breaking down as soon as it comes in contact with the skin's oils. A latex glove is an ineffective barrier after about 10 minutes, +/- how much you sweat. Add in sunlight and repetitive stress and you can see where I'm going with this. These tubes WILL eventually break, the smaller ones are most vulnerable. While it is tempting, try to avoid handling the tubes BY the tube itself and try to avoid getting sweat on them. Also try to avoid long periods of direct sunlight. UV, natural oils, and moisture are the things that accelerate the breakdown of natural materials: especially latex. If you're moving nearly 270lbs of resistance and a small band snaps, it isn't a big deal. If the two big bands snap, it's a big deal. Take care of your equipment and your equipment will take care of you. The good news is that Bodylastics offers free replacement within 90 days of any broken tube and a lifetime replacement for $5.95. If you ask me, that warranty is far beyond what I would be happy with.
Things everyone should have: good shoes for interval sprints, a bag of chalk, a 35lb kettlebell, a jump rope, a couple of medicine balls, and Bodylastics. $250 minus shoes. Gym membership: $200 sign-up fee, $30-$50 a month in membership fees, waiting for machines, oblivious wanger-hangers in the locker room, disgusting equipment, herpes and other STDs on the shower knobs, and fluorescent lighting on beautiful days. Minus shoes. Do the math and take the $300 you're going to save and hire a licensed personal trainer to design a program and show you how this stuff works. You'll end up $150 ahead on first-year cost alone. - Exercise Band - Exercise Bands - Exercise - P90x'
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