I purchased the Notebook Reference Student Planner: Second Edition for my daughter who is entering middle school next year.
Approximately 1/4" thick, it has 3-ring binder holes so it can be placed in any 3-ring notebook. Made for grades 4-8, this could also be useful for high schoolers as it's essentially a book that allows for a student to write down their schedule and homework assignments. In addition there are places for photos, contact numbers, emergency info (contacts, allergies, etc...).
I like that it's setup by month (beginning in August... ending in June) with weekly assignment sheets (Monday thru Friday) that include the headings: subject, assignment and a place to check it off when complete. Study tips and quotes are found on each page too. Room for 'notes and reminders' as well as 'activities and events' are opposite each week's page, and could supplement the area allotted for homework assignments.
In the back is a large 'yearbook' section. This seemed unnecessary to me as it's space to glue in photos of friends, but no autographs.
This is followed by sections with reference materials on the following: U.S. Presidents, US government, Facts about our 50 states, US time zones, US Historical Facts, US and Canadian info (including the Pledge of Allegiance...), World Time zones, Timeline of inventions, All around the world... roman numerals, seven continents, seven seas... greek gods..., birth flowers, chinese zodiac, horoscope signs, birth stones, colleges (ivy league, pac-10, Big 12...), Periodic Table of the Elements, Weights and Measures, Conversions, cooking conversions, Sign language, health and safety tips.
An inexpensive way to keep your young student organized with some basic reference info. Now if you can just get them to use it! Student Planner, Grades 4 - 8: Second Edition (Notebook Reference)
I used this planner for my daughter. This is one of the best planners we have had. Now they are getting this planner for the entire school!!
I recommend this highly. It is very simple, easy to use and generic where you can start from the begining and there is no waste. Even if you started using it in the middle of the year.
After several blunders and misinformation on the part of the USPS, Amazon hastened to get me this planner in a timely fashion. I am glad that they did. The planner is very detailed, and has so much interesting information. I bought it for my granddaughter who, sometimes, cannot always remember when assignments are due. This is just right for her. It is compiled with so much facts and in such a manner to hold her attention. I like everything about it. Whilst I have your attention, I would be remiss if I did commend Amazon Customer Care Specialists on the time and effort they put in to replace this planner - mislaid by the Post Office. Their prompt response to my complaints could not have been better if it were a high priced item that was mislaid. Amazon told me to donate the first mislaid planner when it eventually found its way to me. Thanks, Amazon for caring. By the way, the planner is designed for all age groups. Treat a child to one, it will be appreciated. - Organizing - School - High School - Organizer'
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