Well, I've only been using it for about 2 days now and I must say that I am pleasantly surprised and 99% satisfied! (1% is lost on the fact that only one computer can use it at a time.)
The quality is top-notch! I thought it might be pixelated, jerky, or buggy - but it isn't. It flows and runs like a regular TV. It just feels like you're watching TV.
Let me also mention all of the features that it has:
* You can watch TV with a full screen and either have the remote on the screen, or not.
* You can hit a button and it will automatically dock to one side of the screen and re-adjust the size of your other windows. And then, you can even fine tune and adjust the size of that window.
* If you just want it to be on your screen and not be docked, you can do that and adjust that screen size as well.
* You can also create a list of favorite channel icons, so all you do is click onto your favorite channel's icon. If the icon doesn't exist - you can create your own!
* It also works with channels like HBO On Demand and with TiVo as well (however, I don't have TiVo).
* If your workplace has a firewall, you can access your home computer using your home computer's IP Address.
This product is HIGHLY recommended! Sling Media Slingbox Classic
Ground-breaking technology. This device allows me to watch my Chicago cable TV service while in Paris. It converts the TV signal into an internet transmission. The image is only about 4 x 3 inches in size on my higher density 1680 by 1050 notebook screen but looks very clean and highly viewable. Sound quality is excellent. Transfer rates ranges from 400 to 700 kbps.
Another feature of this product is that it can be used as an internet based remote control. I have one in my mother's senior home apartment. It enables me to view her apartment, view her electronics, and send remote control signals to her electronics whenever she gets stumped. I'm sure there are many other ways to apply this unique technology.
SlingMedia is an exceptional company. The initial release of this product brought rave reviews -- uncommon for release 1.0. They did not rest. Since then, they have released new versions which further enhanced the SlingBox.
I'm impressed with the concept, the technology, the product, the execution, the installation, the enhancements, the updatability, the reliability, the quality of the support, the people from top to bottom. The staff members are very active on avsforum.com. Great attitudes.
While Tivo enabled me to watch TV when I wanted, this product allows me to watch TV where it was otherwise impossible.
This may be the best consumer electronic product of 2005.
Update 15 Nov 2005: Wow, it happened! Time Magazine named it one of the "Best Inventions 2005" in November 21st 2005 issue.
Update 9 Jan 2006: Won PCMag 2005 Technical Excellence Award\
I'm in no way affilated with SlingMedia. I'm just a SlingBox fan boy.
I was amazed. On my home network, streamed very high quality (though small picture, since the TV signal is actually less than 640x480), and when I went wireless, the quality dropped (as expected), but it kept up with audio, didn't break up. Really amazingly well designed wizard to configure.
I want to follow up on my first post about the SlingBox. After my review I was contacted by Blake the CEO of Slingmedia asking me if he could have his support Manager give me a call to discuss my problems. After explaning my story to Larry Lane he asked me if I would give the box another chance. He told me that if I ran into more problems that the box can be sent back no questions asked. I decided that since the CEO of the company can reach out to me as a customer that Slingmedia was concerned how they treated their customers! (How many CEO's reach out to the average customer??).
Larry worked with me personally in setting up my new unit to make sure things went right. After the initial set up I still had a few viewing issues. Larry and his team worked with me on the issues only to find out these issues were due to my router. To make a long story short I replaced my linksys router with a Netgear 624A. My entire network seems to be working much better and the slingbox is GREAT!!!!
I cant say enough how wonderful Blake/Larry and their team was! Without the email from Blake I can honestly say that I would not have a slingbox today or in the future. The people running the company are terrific and have completely changed the way I look at their product! I strongly recommend the product to anyone! The technology is amazing! I cant wait to the summer to sit outside on my deck, get some sun and watch the NY Mets play some baseball!!
Thank you Blake and Larry!! You and your team are great!
My friend explained Slingbox to me, and at first I just didn't get it. Then one day it hit me: I could be in a hotel room, get on my laptop, control my Tivo or cable box via remote repeaters, and watch the streaming video sent from my house. That was when I realized that the way I watched TV was about to change again (since I got my Tivo) and I couldn't wait.
I got a Slingbox as quickly as I could and have absolutely loved it. With the help of the great Dell Inspiron 700m laptop, I've watched and controlled my home TV in the airport, hotels, coffee shops, in my bed, at work, and even had a friend's wife catch up on her O.C. in Singapore! I've docked the SlingPlayer viewer while working on my desktop at home. After watching from work a couple of times, my boss bought one and streams the news all day - he's hooked.
The Slingbox looks great, is exceptionally easy to set up, and the software works very well. I'm really impressed with the picture and the dynamic streaming based on bandwidth. Make sure you've planned how you're going to add it to your network- I used the netgear Power over Ethernet bridge to connect to my network from the living room, and I'd recommend it if your TV is far from your network (easy setup, high bandwidth, and no extra radio waves going through your body).
As a Slingbox owner, I highly recommend this product, especially if you've been thinking about getting a TV tuner or Video card with tuner support- this is a more flexible alternative, and SlingPlayer viewer software can be installed on multiple systems.
P.S. Desperate Housewives was only used for the purpose of alliteration. It is not an admission that I watch it. I did actually watch T.V., although not South Park, from Switzerland, and it worked flawlessly! - Tv - Remote Viewing - Gadget - Slingbox'
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