There are moments when a concept that is born in the past, becomes fully realized in the future. Some creators can `see' into a future and craft a product that screams out `Told ya!'. George Lucas was like that with Star Wars. Lester Dent, Issac Asimov, and a host of other authors wrote what is now, decades before the real items existed.
Steven Spielberg and Michael Bay, took a hit concept from the 80's and 90's, and with the assistance of exceptional CGI, turned out a movie that surprised film goers around the world.
Transformers' Sam Witwicky, begins this adventure of a lifetime carshopping with Dad. In the Porsche lot, out of the Porsche lot, into the used car lot. Sam learns a valuable lesson from the salesman, you don't choose a car, it chooses you. And so a beat up Camaro chooses his `master', while destroying the car lot. And so Bumblebee enters his life, and soon, a full blown war between the Decepticons and Autobots engulfs his home town.
Not only is there action, but humor as well. Sam, his girlfriend, the US military, and his robot friends exchange barbs like `I bought a car. Turned out to be a robot. Who knew?' And the `discussion' from Sam's mother on why he had to lock the door? `Were you masterbating? Or should we call it your private time.....?' It's touches like that which turn this film from a CGI dominated production into a film you can watch and enjoy.
Sure, it'll re-introduce many of the Transformers back into pop culture. Sure, there will be a sequel. Yes, the comic will come back one more time. And yes, it will be a hit one more time.
Don't forget the toys....
Tim Lasiuta Transformers (Two-Disc Special Edition + BD Live) [Blu-ray]
As I said this is a heads up of the Hd/dvd features and not a review. I like to know this stuff, so I figure others do. This is the kind of movie that home theater enthusiasts want for sound and picture. This is the information I found on Movieweb, there seemed like a lot of features so I figured I'd pass it along. With the high price of hd perhaps this release might come close to the price they ask.
"The Transformers Special Edition two-disc sets provide an incredible experience with an arsenal of bonus material that delivers excitement and fun for long-time fans, as well as for viewers who are new to the Transformers universe. The extensive special features include commentary by Michael Bay and two multi-part in-depth documentaries exploring the human elements of the film as well as the phenomenal robot stars. Presented in multiple parts, "Our World" and "Their War" include segments with Steven Spielberg discussing his love for the franchise and the early concept for the movie, the extensive casting process, the training, consultants and real-world weapons provided by the military to lend authenticity to the film, the evolution of the robots from Hasbro's iconic toy line to big-screen stars, the unique vehicles created for the movie, a discussion with ILM's legendary digital artists and much more.
The discs go even further behind-the-scenes with early sketch concepts of the robots and an in-depth look at the making of the Skorponok attack from writing and conceptualization through the creation of the stunning visual effects.
Out-Of-This World High-Def Content:
In addition to superior picture and sound and all of the above bonus material presented in high definition, the HD DVD presentation provides consumers with a host of web-enabled features, which are accessible through all connected HD DVD players. The web-enabled features take advantage of technology that allows the studio to present the content in a new way. These cutting-edge, online features can be updated, providing consumers with an evolving entertainment experience months, or even years, after the disc is physically produced. Initial features include a Transformers Intelligence Mode in which an on-screen dashboard over the film provides information about the robots and weapons, their strength levels, character updates and more. Plus, a GPS Locator that can access a map and GPS coordinates. Paramount's Transformers HD-DVD connectivity capabilities will reveal additional HD-DVD exclusive features at street date and at various time periods in the future.
The HD-DVD also includes a Transformers H.U.D. (Heads Up Display) that lets viewers access running text commentary while watching the film and even view relevant behind-the-scenes footage in a picture-in-picture window. Additionally, viewers can explore the main robots' individual details in high definition with the Transformers Tech Inspector.
Transformers Special Edition DVD bonus features include:
Disc 1:
- Feature film
- Commentary by Michael Bay
Disc 2:
Our World:
- The Story Sparks - Steven Spielberg discusses his love for the franchise and early concept art for the film. Explores how the writers adapted the cartoon into a live-action movie and why Michael Bay is the perfect director for the film.
- Human Allies - A look at how the actors were selected and their experiences on the set."
When you go to see a movie like this you are not going to see oscar quality acting. You are going to see fantastic visuals great sound and a lot of stuff blow up. This blu-ray has every thing you need to show off your home theater. Perfect 1080p and flawless 5.1 dolby true hd sound.
I know a bit about transformers, but i haven't really seen much on the shows so no angry comments please. :P
I thought it was a great action movie if you cut out the silly hide and go seek part. The fights were great and they didn't cheap out at any part, (by hiding the transformations behind a building or something). It was simply a great piece to watch as an action flick. Though I know it's pretty different from the show it's just another persons take on it I guess. Though the flame effects on Prime were a bad idea in my mind :\ If you like a good action flick or giant robots, this movie is a fun ride. - 1080p - Michael Bay - Transformers - Best Seen On Blu-ray'
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