I wear these around the house all day long (I am a 62 year old female)...walking, up and down the stairs, doing leg lifts side to side and back kicks, front kicks. My legs are more toned and finally strong (I had really weak legs). When I go out without the weights on my ankles, I can walk forever! Well worth the price. One hint: if the weight beads become hard and hurt your ankles, just take a small hammer and "pound" the beads lightly to loosen them. Sometimes the beads meld together and harden, but easily soften after "mushing" them. I have had these for months and they still are like new. No wear and tear at all! My daughter used them to train for months before she entered "Tough Mudders". Highly recommend! Reebok Adjustable Ankle Weight (10-Pounds)
I bought these because they were Reebok. But unfortunately having a big brand name is not a guarantee of quality. The fabric began to rub through after less than one week of use. In addition, the iron filings used for weight seemed to have been magnetized, and would congeal into hard painful mass.
I really dislike how the velcro is on these weights. The way the velcro is makes them perpetually slide off your ankle on one part of the weight. I don't understand why they wouldn't have made the velcro extend just a little further. Maybe they aren't designed for people with smaller legs. They are very big and VERY bulky. I bought them to wear under the legs of my pants while at work so I could get toned up while walking back and forth in my busy job. But I can't wear them discreetly under my pants at all, and even if you remove one/some of the weights (a nice enough feature) they are STILL too big to fit under your pants. I'm talking Hulk huge. But they are good quality. I'd also have liked if the weights had some sort of buffer so they weren't rubbing on your ankle bone but I suppose that would make them even bulkier. It's got to be a trade-off for a larger amount of weight, I suppose. The biggest issue IMO is the stupid velcro straps! They won't secure to part of the weight.
Well they're approximately 5 pounds each and they attach to your ankles with the straps, that's what is advertised. At first when I felt the material on the weights inside I didn't know if it would hold up for extended usage so I wrapped the weight pouches with a few layers of duct tape, no more worries there
I got these today hoping to take my work-out to the next level and I couldn't even wear them for more than 20 Minutes. They HURT so much! The sand bags feel like wearing a bear trap around my legs. Very, very uncomfortable. I will be returning them.
This is gotta be one of the nicer comfortable ankle weights out there. I've used the blue plastiky ankle weights at the rec and must say these are more comfy around your ankles.
The sand bags was a bit difficult to takeout/putin so -1 star. Not sure how often one needs to do this. Otherwise, the straps and cloth material are very nice.
I live on the fourth floor of my dormitory, and we don't have an elevator. It's hard to maintain a regular exercise schedule at university, and the ankle weights are great for getting a little bit of a workout by just putting them on and going through my daily routine!
I really like that the weights themselves are sandbags, so they form to the shape of your ankle after a few steps, and that they're easy to put on and take off. The only thing I would warn other potential buyers about is that they do take some getting used to, and if you don't wear them with socks, they tend to chafe. Also, be careful when wearing them -- if you use these weights correctly, they'll be great, but if you don't pay attention to how they change the way you move and work to correct it, you can do some serious damage to your knees. The added momentum when stepping forward can hyper-extend the knee and lead to repetitive-motion injuries.
As long as you're careful, though, and use these correctly, they're great. Two thumbs up.
I bought these years ago...used to use them quite a bit, just now fished them out of the closet again. Mine came from a Big 5 store.
They're pretty versatile...yeah, you can use them on your ankles but I've used them rolled up as hand weights, and, if you put them together, you can put them around your waist which doesn't tone anything in particular, but still makes you work harder if you're doing squats and lunges.
Really useful and I haven't seen a great many better solutions.
The biggest issues I have with wearing them often are that they get uncomfortable..it would be nice if there was some gel padding but there's not...just a fabric with sandbags which form hard spots. They especially hurt over the ankle bones. The fabric is rough too (some synthetic like what they make gym bags out of) and if you don't wear socks it can chaff.
Finally, I don't think I have super small ankles (female in my 20s), but I generally use them with all the sandbags. It's a good thing too or they'd fall off. Even at the "tightest" setting, they still tend to slip down. Only my sneakers really hold them up. If I'm barefoot (around the apartment) they'll scrape the ground like socks that won't stay up.
These are well made and do the job. However there are two things I don't like about them. They are adjustable, but not enough. When the product description says "adjustable from 1-5 lbs" I assumed that meant I would have the option for 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 pounds. Unfortunately there are only 4 weights of 1.25 lbs each. For a small amount of weight overall, jumping up by 1.25 lbs is a lot. Now that I have these and have tried them, not only would 1 lb increments be better, but I think I'd prefer 1/2 lb increments.
My other issue with them is that the weights are bags of sand, and if you frequently need to adjust the weight (I do in every workout), it's a bit too difficult to stuff bags of sand in and out because they take a bit of manhandling to coax in. It's not that bad, but too much fuss in the middle of a workout when you're trying not to have much of a break. I think a metal weight would slide in and out much easier. So.... now that I've tried these I'd really prefer metal weights in 1/2 lb increments. I'd return these but I'm worried the return shipping will be so high because it's 10 lbs total that it won't be worth it.'
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