If you have seventy-five dollars burning a hole in your pocket and you just have to have a Thomas the Tank Engine rolling suitcase, please, please, please take fifty of it to the mall first. Then, with the last twenty-five, go to ANY other seller of this cheaply made novelty product and knock yourself out. You will have a cute, overpriced rolling duffel bag that your kids will absolutely adore plus another 50 bones worth of merchandise of your choice.
The bag is essentially a toy that is marginally useful as a light-duty travel bag as well. You would never check it, but the kids will love rolling it through the airport. It's cheap and thin; I have some made-in-China cosmetic cases that are tougher than this. The zipper seems frail and you wouldn't want to overtax it by filling the bag to the point of stuffing. The handle works great for about four seconds and then sticks thereafter, making it impossible for a young child to extend and retract on their own. No big deal; you can always help them... but every time, you'll wonder if it's about to break, because it's flimsy and struggles to perform. Count on losing the steam funnel the first time it's pulled on, but this doesn't affect the use.
All in all, it's a piece of "luggage" worth about ten bucks, and you're paying another fifteen for the character licensing. If your kids will swoon over it, it may be worth the 25 (as it was for us), but never EVER pay what they're asking here. It's honestly triple the going rate. Usually amazon is a deal, but not this time. Thomas the Tank Engine Rolling Luggage Travel Bag
My son loves pulling this bag around the home and airport. However, after one trip the zipper and chimney broke. I have been spending the last few days looking for products to fix the chimney and zipper. We received this bag as a gift and I can't believe how much it cost! Wow, even though the bag is very cute, I can't believe it costs $75, it is worth $25.
This is a fantastic little piece of luggage. My just turned 4 yr old loves Thomas, as most kids do. When we picked this package up, we had to open it right away and he pulled it back to our vehicle. The shipping was so fast I could not believe it.He said to me" Momma, can we please take an airplane ride with my new Thomas suitcase",and " I am never using any other suitcase again", so there it is. He loves it, I booked a flight for us to travel to see his Mima and Papa, who live 4500+ kms away.What a great fins, great company, and great site. Thanks to all. Laura
This was sent to my two year old grandson in Vermont. He has a couple of trips coming and I thought it would be perfect for him on the plane so that he can pack his books and toys for the trips. He loves Thomas Train so when I saw this, I knew it was perfect for him. When it arrived, he packed it immediately with toys and pulled it around the house. So, think the bag was a perfect selection for him. I don't know yet how durable it is going to be but my daughter thinks it is a sturdy bag and will be great.
I started flying alone with my back and forth from Texas to either Iowa or Minnesota since he was 9 months old. As son as he could walk we had one on the smaller rolling backpacks for him to play with. I would take it with me on the plan for "his toys", Well then one time when we flew he wanted to roll it.
At 2 1/2 years he out grew that one and I found this one and he loves it. At three we added a baby sisiter to the equation which made him able to be responsible for his own "on the plane" bag even more important. We have made anywhere between 6-8 trips with it including a trip to Mexico. Most of our trips include taking two plans to get to our destination.
He loves rolling it through the airport, and smiles whenever someone comments one it. Even when he gets tired becasue of the shape it lays very easy across the top of the stroller for our newly born daughter.
While I do admit you can't over stuff it and yes on the last flight the stack ripped, and sometimes the handles stick it doesn't out weigh the positives:
It has a side opeing zipper, that when stuffed under the seat of both larger and the smaller "puddle jumpers" planes you can still access the stuff inside. The inside is quite roomy as well, he will usually pack a DVD player,case of DVD's earphones, Coloring books with crayons, MP3 player a bag with 4-5 trains and cars, a container of snacks, his bunny and even a small blanket. We use the straps on the outside to attach his travel pillow.
I have thought about getting another type of "on the plane" suitcase but he doesn't want one yet, I only hope this one last until he is ready for a different type of one, as I am going to have a hard time locating one.
For me it's been worth the $20 or $30 dollars I spent on it. - Kids - Cheap - Character - Train'
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