Okay, look at the reviews for this product, and look at the dates. It was stated some time ago that a buyer orded Quake Care blankets, you know- LIKE THE PICTURE! But that buyer got EverDixie blankets. Now, all this time I later, I paid my money for the Quake Care blankets listed in the description and shown in the picture yet I too was sent the ED ones. I haven't yet opened one to see if it's worthwhile...it sort of defeats the purpose to waste one to see if it's usable (I already know the QC product is, I've used them before).
Maybe the product I got is decent but it's not the product I was sold. Given that this bait and switch is an ongoing affair, I can see no other word to use but fraud. Did I send them back? They were $5 bucks, not worth messing with. That's probably what the vendor figures...no one will bother. So no, I didn't send them back but I will at least alert potential buyers that this vendor is knowingly, willingly defrauding buyers by sending them a different product than they agreed to purchase.
Amazon.com should ditch this sleezy, disreputable seller. And if that seller simply doesn't realize their copy is outdated, this should be the notice they need to correct it. But since they've been doing this for quite a while I imagine they just don't care. Emergency Thermal Blankets (4 Pack)
I have used mylar "space" blankets for the past 30 years for near innumerable projects. Want to make a solar oven? here's a tool to allow that. Increase the rating on your sleeping bag by 20 degrees (put the mylar INSIDE the bag), I've made emergency ponchos from them while backpacking. Ground cloths, signal devices, sun awnings (in this mode they help provide cooling), insulation for coolers, animal shelters, a lining for an incubator.
They don't have to wait around in your car or "read bag" to find uses! However, I carry them in each vehicle, I have one in each of my various (depending on purpose) "ready bags", in emergency kits made for the kids and in all the first aid kits in the house, vehicles, the ranch and other such haunts.
This little piece of plastic may well be one of the premier tools of all time.
I've played with a couple of different brands of space blankets and these blankets are of fine quality. They suffer the usual short comings of this material (tears spread easily) but on the grand scale of space blanket brands, you are getting one of the better quality blankets. For example, one of the cheaper brands I have tried experienced flaking of the mylar coating after (admittedly) rough handling. The brand being reviewed here did not suffer from this flaking. Definitely recommended.
If you are setting up a "grab & go" pack - the kind of thing that lives in your car or at your office, insurance against a manmade disaster like a terrorist attack or a runaway nuclear reactor; or a natural catastrophe like an earthquake or a hurricane - you cannot get along without these mylar blankets. You can use them as blankets, cloaks, tents, groundcloths and signal panels. They are almost weightless and as noted, very versatile. They belong in every survival kit, automobile glove compartment, and hiker's pack. I cannot recommend them highly enough.
I did not receive the Quake Kare Emergency Thermal Blankets that I ordered. Because I had read from previous reviews that BP Supplies have played Bait and Switch before, I made a screen shot of the order page before I ordered showing that I was being promised, specifically, Quake Kare blankets. These are a well known brand and of very good quality.
Instead I receive a cheap, knockoff- Ever Dixie "no-name" brand Emergency Blankets from China. I know absolutely nothing about this brand. They're going in the trash. They look very, very cheap and I sure wouldn't trust my safety to these, And as I told the representative at Amazon, this Bait and Switch is especially reprehensible on BPs part because these are Emergency supplies and someone could loose their life from using an unknown, inferior or faulty product in an Emergency. This is serious business.
For those of you who have been ripped off by BP Supplies before with their Bait and Switch, I would strongly encourage you to report this directly to Amazon. It doesn't matter if you just write it in a review that you've been ripped off. You have to speak with an Amazon rep who forwards that info to the powers that be who determine which companies are allowed to sell on their site. And if enough customers complain, BP Medical Supplies will not be allowed to sell on Amazon's site and continue to rip off people.
For those of you who have never ordered from BP Medical Supplies- STAY AWAY- THEY ARE BAIT AND SWITCH SCAM ARTISTS. I am very disappointed and very, very angry.
I have carried mylar thermal blankets along with me during my hikes to the north country here for decades. In addition to the many other uses mentioned here by others, I have used them before to actually sleep with just to experience it. And even though they are like curling up all cozy with a large plastic bag, they are nothing less than amazingly warm. Quite simply put, they enable you to radiate back as much of your own body heat as several wool blankets are capable of. However, there is one thing I feel I must add about sleeping with these blankets on a cold ground that doesn't seem to be covered by other reviewers. Remember that to keep warm, you must have as much insulation under you as over. At home, our mattress more than does the job. Out in the wilderness on the cold ground we are forced to improvise. If it comes a time that you really are in a survival situation, or just forced by whatever causes to be sleeping directly on a cold ground, remember to put as many of these thermals, (or any kind of blanket) under you as over. You would not believe the number of hikers and campers I have encountered that pile on the blankets on top of them, while putting just one underneath. And then wonder why they spent the entire night nearly freezing to death. In conclusion, one cannot recommend having these along on a hike or camping trip enough since they are so small and easy to tote along. Carrying one 4 pack of these thermals on any outdoor excursion is equivalent to toting 10 full size blankets. Something near impossible to manage in a back pack outing even if you wanted to. Considering their low cost, versatile uses, and life saving possibilities, one would be foolish not to pack them on any wilderness excursion, or include them as an essential addition in any survival kit. My own recommendation is don't leave home without them, and, buy them here on Amazon in bulk rather than at a sporting goods store, where they can easily cost you twice as much... - Survival - Backpacking - Emergency Kit - Emergency Supplies'
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