This is the definitve work on fly fishing for Srtiped Bass. I highly recommend this book to anyone that has a passion for saltwater fly fishing. It is the height of the Fall rush here in the Northeast and Tabory's advice has already proven itself to be worth every penny. Before you go out to read the water....read this book...you will never look at the ocean the same way again. Tabory brings forth insights that will help you get into fish whether you are a beginner or an experienced fly fisherman.Read..Learn...GO PRODUCE! GOOD FISHING! Stripers on the Fly
The book seems to be a rehash of other books and articals that have been published in the past ie; the section on waves on sandy beaches is just a rehash of Ken Abrams 1994 artical published in the Nov-Dec Flyfishing Mag. and alot of the rest of the book sounds like it came from Ken Abrams book Striper Moon that I just finished a few weeks ago. I think that book was out a few years ago.I was really expecting to get some new and Original Ideas and insight from someone who has been around for a while, not the reshuffling of someone elses' ideas and thoughts.
I've been an avid fisherman all my life in Cape waters and was recently given the book by my wife along with an Orvis 2-day course taught by the author. Never having fly-fished, I finished reading the book prior to the class and found it well written and easy to follow for all levels of fishermen. The book is descriptive and detailed enough to send you out to the water prepared and reads very easily. I've also found it to be a great reference to go back to. Terrific summer read for all who dream of landing stripers.
I really expected a LOT more information about specifically targeting this species on the Northeast coast. What I got was a minor expansion of Inshore Fly Fishing. I was hoping for insights such as "how to mimic illegal baitfishing techinques that utilize undersized lobsters, flounders and blackfish".'
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