Excellent product! This case is just right, in my opinion. It's not too complex, but it's not too simplistic either. It looks nice, feels great, and seems to be very high quality.
Because it has just the right combination of rigidness and cushioning, I have no worries at all when/if my Kindle is dropped from an average height while inside this case. It also stays sealed well when closed, so a Kindle would be protected from a spilled or splashed liquid.
The interior leaves room for customisation. For example: It seems designed to hold cards, a pen, and other business materials(Which it does just fine). However, I use it to hold a lens cleaning cloth, Kindle related information, and a small USB cord in the pen slot. For the Kindle side, it holds a 3rd generation Kindle securely with either all four corner straps, or just two alternate corner straps.
It hasn't passed the test of time yet, but I'm not worried. All factors considered, this is a great price. I would say that this is a much better investment than the two year warranty(which is double the price). Thanks for a great case, TrendyDigital. TrendyDigital Folio Case for Kindle 3 (Third Generation Kindle, Kindle Wi-Fi, or Kindle 3G + Wi-Fi , 6" Display), Black
Elastic strap fastening system - I prefer that to cases that uses the kindle slots because the kindle case can crack if a slot-type is picked up or dropped the wrong way.
Holds device securely
Multiple storage compartments plus pen holder - it's a tight fit but the charger can be packed in this case with the zipper closed
Attractive (fake leather)
Easy access to all switches and sockets
Quality zipper closure
Does not interfere with wireless reception
Average protection - case has 3 layers: vinyl exterior, cardboard middle, and cloth interior. All 3 layers are very thin, but that's what keeps the case so light. It comes with a foam insert. I saved mine in the event I ever have to pack my kindle, such as when I sell it when kindle 4 comes out. :D This case should protect your kindle from the most common trauma; droppage.
Price - the SimpleCase for Kindle 2 - Fits 6" Display of 2nd Generation, (See Separate Listing for New 3rd Generation Kindle) is very comparable. It has a leather exterior, thicker cloth interior, and thicker cardboard between the layers. I paid $24.99 for that case and $25 for this one. This case seems flimsy in comparison. I expect this case to sell for under $20 when there are more competing products.
Durability - it's impossible to say, but judging by the materials used I do not expect this case to hold up more than a couple years for heavy users
Summary: this is the only case for kindle 3 of its type that I could find so I bought it. I'm not a leatherphile. Vinyl is fine. Leather dyes can bleed and stain which has been a problem with some leather cases. Plush interiors tend to bleed too. I like this case because it's so lightweight. My primary reason for using a case is to make the kindle easier to hold. This case can be used open like a hardcover book, or folded over like a cheap paperback. If you're looking for a leather cover with a plush interior, this case isn't for you. I like this case.
UPDATED 4-13-11: I replaced this case with the Eco-nique natural Hemp Brown case cover for Amazon Kindle 3 / Global Wireless 6 inch / 15 cm (latest generation) - (Book Style) this week. There were several issues with this case:
1) The zippers get in the way of the forward/back buttons
2) It's awkward to use folded back. The zippers become more of an obstruction, and the case becomes difficult to fold back into closed position.
3) I dropped my kindle from the bed and it slipped completely out of this case. Fortunately the floor is carpeted and there was no damage.
The first 2 issues became increasingly annoying after months of use. The 3rd issue convinced me I needed a better case. I'll probably only use this case now for traveling when I want everything zipped in an enclosed cased.
I don't know what some of the other reviewers were talking about. This is a nice case/cover. The elastic is a little wide on the bottom, but it doesn't effect anything. It does what it's supposed to do...it holds the Kindle in a protective cover and keeps it from being damaged while in a purse or bag. It's one of two cases that I know of that zip shut... Also, I haven't had a problem bending it back to read like a paperback and I think the wallet side of the case has been improved upon, since it seems a little nicer than the one in the video:
It IS a little overpriced though, I think it should be about 5.00 - 10.00 cheaper. But ehhh, they're ALL too expensive for what they are...they're essentially fancy BOOK COVERS. :/
A very nice case for the price. It has adequate protection and holds the Kindle securily without obstruction. The only negative for me is that you cannot fold the front of the cover back which is how I like to read.
I bought this at the same time I bought my Kindle 3, but after one day's use, it was returned.
On the positive side:
1. The elastic straps which hold the Kindle in place are snug, and would do that job very well.
2. If a person were inclined to carry a pen/pencil, credit cards and I.D., plus folding currency, there are slots/tabs that will do that efficiently. I would be concerned, however, about having anything which could scratch the screen of the Kindle.
1. There is little space between the edge of the Kindle and the zipper. I found it very uncomfortable to have the zipper rubbing against my hand as I held the case with the Kindle, as in reading a book.
2. This small space between the bottom edge of the Kindle and the zipper makes it difficult to a) refresh/awaken the Kindle, or to insert the cable to either charge or download data to the Kindle.
3. The zipper is difficult to zip closed.
These are small annoyances to be sure, but they were big enough to me that they quickly became elephant-sized aggravations. I want the Kindle protected, but I also want to be comfortable when I use the Kindle. I will seek, and find, a better case to protect my investment. - Kindle 3 - Kindle - Kindle Covers - E-book Cases'
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