I love the Dremel Nail Groomer! It is a veritable dream to use when compare with dog nail clippers because there is no danger of clipping the quick. Here are a few things of note:
1. Some dogs don't like the sound, not a problem for my pups but something you might want to think about. Do not use it on Fluffy until they are comfortable with the sound. You can use lots of treats to encourage proximity if needed. When Fluffy ignores (or better yet investigates) the Dremel your good to go.
2. Have lots of treats handy (I use a high quality, small bite dog food as cheap treats-adjust regular feedings if needed). Treat Fluff often until they get use to the feel.
3. Use low speed and make early sessions short. One paw or so.
4. Sand in short, 1 or 2 second burst to prevent uncomfortable heat build up from the friction and to avoid the possibility of sanding off too much nail (the latter hasn't been a problem for me so far, but I have run into the former and the dog didn't like it).
5. Expect nail dust.
6. On low, accidental sanding of fingers feels funny but doesn't hurt! (Yep I've done it... lots. I haven't needed high speed, so don't know its effect.)
7. Two words: Rechargeable Batteries (Energizer NiMHs Rock)!! I'm not having the battery problems others are complaining about. With two medium sized dogs and several months of twice monthly trims I've only changed the batteries once. If you don't get rechargeable get batteries intended for high power consumption electronics. Dremel 761-03 Cordless Pet Nail Grooming Rotary Tool
I have Dremeled my dog's nails since he was a pup and there is no better way to do it. However, this item is cheap and weak and runs through batteries. Just do yourself a favor a get a Dremel that will do the job well in the first place. It costs a bit more, but is well worth it in reliability and saved aggravation. The one you want is the Dremel MultiPro Cordless 7700-02. (You don't need the 50 accessories that come with it for your dog's nails, but I've only seen it sold that way and that's how it's sold on Amazon.)
The two keys here are that it is a 7.2V Dremel so it is much stronger and better suited for large dogs, and it comes with a rechargeable battery pack so you don't have to replace batteries. Plus, you'll have a real Dremel around the house and you will definitely find other uses for it once you have it. Although the MultiPro may be more expensive initially, you will save money in the long run. Trust me, you'll thank yourself for getting the better tool.
I have an Irish Terrier. I've used a file (slow and inadequate). Avoided a nail cutter (dark nails, got to the quick once and Michelle hates the sight of the things). I had another grinder (too big, too noisy and AC). This Dremel is great. It's compact, no cords, relatively quiet and two speeds (I usually use the slow speed). And Michelle doesn't mind it at all. Highly recommend.
This tool is the best for dogs nails. I've trimmed/done my dogs nails with it about 10 times. It's quiet for a tool so as not to freak out dogs. After two times she(My shelty) got used to it and now doesn't mind having her nails done at all. While sitting on the floor, I flip her on her back between my legs and grab one foot at a time and do them. Unlike conventional clippers or guillotine shears, which can cut through the quick and hurt the dog and make them bleed, the Dremel quickly sands the nail back and if you hit the quick, it doesn't cut it, it's just like rubbing an emory board on your skin. The manual shows the basic technique and shape for sanding the nails. Using this sanding technique also prevents sharp edges on the nail which can snag clothing. It also prevents split nails unlike conventional clippers. This is one of the best new gadgets for pets in a long time and the benefits are so obvious! I'm buying a couple as gifts for Christmas and telling all my dog friends about this tool!
A friend lent me her Dremel today to try on my 14-year-old dog who HATES having his nails trimmed. I was amazed that a) he didn't object to it at all, and b) it made quick work of filing his nails down to a healthy length. The Dremel seems far better than any of the nail clippers i've tried: i had no worries about accidentally cracking the nail or cutting to the quick. And although the abrasive pad was tough enough to wear down my dog's nails in a matter of minutes, it didn't hurt when i accidentally grazed my hand with it a couple of times.This model is light, not too noisy, and easy to grip/use. Best of all, it's not outrageously expensive! (Costs about as much as you'd pay two or three nail clippings at a groomer.)I was so impressed that i'm buying a Dremel of my own tonight. Wish i'd discovered this years ago!
It took a couple of weeks to introduce this drill to our four month old puppy before she was comfortable with it. I will never go back to clipping now. I have small children at home that no longer get painful scratches from our lab puppy and the drill never splits her nails like clippers can. However....I switched to the 7.2V Rotary Tool Dremel. The batteries do not last long on the Pet Drill and the 7.2V is rechargable. The low setting on the 7.2V drill is inbetween the settings on the Pet Drill so it's compatible. My biggest problem with the Pet Drill was that it includes the 1/4" Drum Sander. I found out after I purchased this that the size included is for small to medium dogs only. If you have a larger dog (like I do) you need the 1/2" drum and sanding bands. The 7.2V Drill comes with the 1/2" drum and other accessories. I actually purchased the 7.2V Drill on sale and paid less than I did for this Pet Drill (761-03). Plus if I continued to use the Pet Drill I would have to purchase the 1/2" Drum and sanding bands (about 5.00 more). I gave this a four star because it worked well and I love this idea. However the 7.2V Drill is a better option for me because of the larger drum and the rechargable battery.'
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