After hearing about the quality of Everlast's products declining, I was very careful about buying something from them. But it turned out great after all. I received the package two days after ordering and was not disappointed. The wraps are long enough to fit around my hands and then some. They are very comfortable and can definately absorb a good impact. Everlast Professional Hand Wraps, 180-Inch, Black
I bought these because they are long enough to wrap my hands the way you are supposed too. After some research I found some are not long enough.
Quality is fine, at least the set I got are. I tried using just heavy bag gloves to train with, but I kept cutting my knuckles on my right hand with the fingerless gloves I bought. Grabbed these after reading a bunch, and watching some YouTube videos on proper wrapping.
So far so good, no more cut hands, and all is well. I roll them up backwards so when I'm ready to wrap my hands again I can just roll it around my hand/fingers vs. having it strung out on the floor, and untwisting it as I go. When I get to the end, the Velcro tabs are in the correct position every time so there is no guess work if I'm wrapping my hands with the wrong side up.
these are good hand wraps. there very long so you can get plenty of support when hitting your heavy bag. they provide plenty of protection to your knuckles so you don't cut them up. the bad thing about these are that the materiel there made of sticks to the Velcro straps and makes it a job just to re roll. i have a pair of hand wraps from everlast that are only 108 inches and they don't stick to the Velcro. they should of made these out of the same material. they still offer great support and are all in all great hand wraps and are highly recommended.
These are great wraps! I bought them a couple weeks ago and have yet to have any issues. They have just the right elasticity to them and they were a great price. I recommend them completely and entirely.
As other reviewers have mentioned, Everlast's quality has declined somewhat in recent years. I don't know the cause, but I know the effects: speed bags that deflate, heavy bags that rip at the seams, and bag stands that tip after only minimal punching. I think that Everlast is coasting on their image and namesake. That said, these wraps are a good product. I go all out on the heavy bag five days a week -- practicing both force and technique -- and I use the wraps when practicing on the speed bag. They have held up well for three months. My big concern was that the thumblock would tear away from the wraps, but so far this hasn't happened. I definitely recommend buying this product over the basic 108 inch wraps. Although these are labeled "professional" they really are suited for any skill level because their increased length provides greater coverage for both ones top knuckles and ones wrists. All in all, a good, basic necessity that seems to be constructed well.
I'm pretty new to bag workouts, so this is all from the perspective of a beginner, but here's what I've learned about handwraps so far- the 108" ones that come with the "starter kit" are pretty much cosmetic, even if you have small hands (I do). These give enough extra wraps to actually protect my knuckles and support my wrists. Also, they're a pain to wash, so getting a few extra pairs is a good idea. These use an antimicrobial fabric, so they don't get stinky as fast as untreated wraps, but come on- has anyone ever heard of athletic gear that smelled good? Overall, a good purchase.
Ok let me start the review honestly by saying I love Everlast and I'm a huge supporter of most of their products. They used to make really good hand warps. Im not sure what is different but I can saw durring hardcore mma their old warps held up for almost a year of VERY HARD USEAGE. However these ones fell apart after just some mild heavy bag drills maybe 10 hrs of use. Really sad to discredit Ever Last however ive been noticing that their new lines seem to be trash. These warps are trash buy something better.
I used these hand wraps three times for a one-hour boxing class at my local gym, and the velcro fastener ripped loose from the wraps almost entirely. I used them a couple more times but keeping them on tight with the velcro problem became difficult. Ordered new wraps from a different brand and hope they work better.
I bought these wraps from Dicks Sporting Goods and used them the day I bought them. They seemed to be good quality, and felt good when I had them on. Then the stitching around the velcro came apart when I took them off - and this was on the first time I used them. They were probably still usable - but I would have expected them to last more than one workout.
I contacted Everlast to let them know and to give them an opportunity to correct what I assumed was a manufacturing error - but they were apparently unconcerned that I had a defective product since I did not buy it directly from them. I mistakenly thought they would stand behind the the quality of their product without caring if I bought it from a sporting goods store, directly from them, or from Amazon.
I would not recommend this product and have doubts about the current quality of Everlast products in general.
Given that most boxing gloves these days have velcro straps, whose bright idea was it to make the entire length of these handwraps prone to sticking to velcro?
They tie very well and they're rather elastic, but you have to put a lot of yardage over your wrists to keep it tight. I have another pair of Title handwraps that I actually like much better. They don't stick to velcro and it only takes 2 or 3 wraps around the wrist to keep the wrist straight rather than the 10 or so you need with these.
The velcro issue, though, is a huge pain. I wouldn't recommend these. - Boxing - Athletic Equipment - Boxing Gloves - Boxing Bag Gloves'
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