This game was recommended to us by another group of friends who loved it! This game is definitely meant to be played by people who don't mind sharing some information about themselves. At first, you think the game is all about self-disclosure, but eventually, the competitive side of you comes to the realization, it can be all about stretching the truth a bit. The questions are hysterical, and have given us much amunition to constantly tease each other about answers given. Questions to the group range from "If you could rid the earth of 3 creatures, which 3 would you dispose of?" or "On a scale of 1-10, how hard of a worker are you?" The person reading the question then has to guess who answered in which way. Sometimes there is a reversal, and everyone in the group has to guess how the person reading the question would answer. Lots of fun, for a variety of groups...I have played with friends, colleagues and family! Loaded Questions
We originally purchased this game for game nights with friends of ours. The questions supplied (there is an expansion box of questions available now, too) ask a wide variety of questions that will really open up your inner workings to your fellow players if you are honest. Overall, we have gotten more enjoyment and entertainment by just taking out the cards and reading them aloud, pondering the answers given. Questions like "What is your favorite beer" are easy, toss-up questions, but the more diffcult, introspective questions are the real meat of what makes the game more interesting.This game is best suited for adults, and would make a great party game for any kind of game night when you finally get tired of Trivial Pursuit or Cranium, themselves excellent, wonderful games.
I absolutely adore this game. A bunch of my friends and I get together every once in a while and this is a favorite for us.I have to admit, we don't always follow the rules. We tend to ask whichever question on the card we like (out of four choices) and most times we are having so much fun we race not just to the finish but also back again to the start.How does it work? Well. very simply. Every one takes turns moving around the board ad whatever color you land on, you ask that question (or not - as we play) Everyone writes down their answer, someone reads them to you and you guess who wrote what. As many as you get right, that's how far forward you go. There are a couple of reversals, a couple of short cuts, but it's pretty straight forward.So why is it so much fun that I have literally peed myself and also literally fallen on the floor laughing? There are just a lot of open ended questions, like "What are you most afraid of" "Who in this room snores the loudest" and frankly, my friend's don't take themselves terribly seriously. So we get raunchy or witty or tricky, and have a blast doing it.I guess in the final analysis, the game is as much fun as you make it, but heck, in this narcissistic society of ours, what better way is there to spend an evening except by talking about yourself and your friends for hours on end? Beats the heck out of checkers!
Overall "Loaded Questions" is not a bad game, but it lacks the type of questions I had expected. Really the game in concept and organization is fine, but some of the questions are simply boring not "loaded". For example: "What kind of deodorant do you wear?" and "How many pairs of jeans do you own?" would fall into the `who cares' category for me. We played the other night with friends and finally got so tired of the boring questions we started making up our own. We had a few good laughs out of the games questions, but really had fun with some seriously loaded questions. However, I would like to see a version of this game with truly loaded questions and less questions that I could care less about. I would say this game is great for early teens but lacks the punch for adults.
We just had a bunch of people over the other night and tested this game out for the first time. I'll say this - not a dry eye in the house. We laughed so hard it made us cry. With this game, you learn things about people you never knew - and you test your knowledge of your closest friends.
If you like party games - this is the one for you. We are all in our mid-late 20's and I think that's the best age group for this type of game although anyone from teenagers all the way up will enjoy it.
If you're thinking about it - JUST GET IT!
I usually don't write reviews for products, and am doing so only out of sheer love for this particular game. As can be easily gathered from other reviews, Loaded Questions simply involves navigating a playing board and reading the question on a drawn card corresponding to the color you landed on. The categories don't seem to matter. All are fun.
At this point the roller asks the question, and everyone else at the table answers it. This is the only game I've played where it's more fun to play during an opponents' turn, particularly if you and your family are creative.
It's fun to answer the questions honestly, but much more fun and challenging to goof around, and even if you do the game remains entirely playable. If members of your family and friends give you sassy answers of questionable integrity, knowing them well enough you can still guess by their sense of humor who said what.
Now onto the bad, which really doesn't need detract from the game. There are some questions which simply have the players answer something on a scale from 1 to 10. These questions aren't a lot of fun to answer, are difficult to guess, and generally we just skip them when playing. In addition to this, there are a very few questions that may be either slightly inappropriate for kids, or just not possible to answer. Questions about dating and kissing and such. These are very rare though. (I've seen one of each.) The least appropriate question I've seen asks what the players' favorite body part is. It can be taken innocently enough, but the game is obviously begging for certain answers.
Overall, the game is a blast, and even more so if you're willing to be creative with it. - Games - Board Game - Family Game - Fun'
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