So i recently purchased a Genius tablet which i just returned and decided to purchase a Bamboo tablet instead. Now my goals for using a tablet are simple:
- Learn to use a tablet for graphic design\illustration
- Buy something that won't break after 2 weeks
- Buy something that can grow with me for a couple years
This tablet by far exceeds these very simple expectations and then some. I don't care about writing in documents, nor do i care about signatures etc... I care about using a tablet for one reason, drawing. From that point of view here's a list of pros\cons as they've applied to me:
Bamboo Pros:
- Small foot print absolutely ideal for on the go work or small spaces
- Very sturdy feeling! Genius tablet felt a little flimsy on my lap, this feels rock solid.
- Function keys up top are quite helpful
- Scroll wheel up top is awesome for zooming in\out great feature to have on the fly
- Pen holder is helpful so the stylus doesn't get dirty\lost\damaged
- Stylus is comfortable to hold and has a slightly "rubber" feel on the outside easy to keep a good grip
- Stylus comes w/ 2 buttons on the side that have assignable functionality
- Eraser on the top allows you to flip over & erase as you would a pencil
- Nib (tip of stylus that touches tablet) is replacable if need be (good since i've heard they can wear down over long periods of time)
- Stylus itself is battery FREE, AND, wireless, doesn't get much better then that
- Software is amazingly easy to install. Plugged in tablet, threw in CD, installed device drivers, didn't even have to reboot to use it. (A+ for Wacom having the easiest to install USB device i've ever owned)
- Easy to understand configuration software makes it very simple to customize the special function settings and stylus buttons.
- Movement is VERY smooth and fluid, i don't see any jitters at all while moving or drawing (and that's going through a USB Hub w/ 3 other devices connected to that
one hub, and a total of 5 other USB devices connected to this computer. All but 2 are currently in use)
- I can easily see this lasting me much longer than through my "beginners" years.
- Very sleek looking. (Lets face it looks go a LONG way w/ product happiness) Even the packaging was sleek, very remniscent of Apples product packaging, which in my experience has been some of the nicest in the industry.
Bamboo Cons:
- Small footprint = small drawing surface. Some may not like the smaller drawing surface! (It truly doesn't feel odd at all especially for a beginner.)
- Although the high gloss finish on top is very nice looking, it gathers dust real quick.
- Pressure sensitivity is only 512 levels it's slightly noticable but for a beginners tablet no worries.
- Eraser not pressure sensitive
- 2 buttons on stylus are VERY sensitive and they don't "click" like you'd expect. Just be careful it's easy to press one and not know it which can be frustrating.
That's basically it. I need it for one purpose, and thus far it's proving to absolutely exceed all expectations for that (and many other) purpose(s). So if anyone is thinking of getting into digital art, or if you're thinking of a gift idea for someone, this is absolutely my recommendation hands down!
Hope it helps,
Frank... Bamboo (Small) Pen Tablet with Pen Only
Wacom leads in this technology by a long way. This product is affordable, yet powerful enough for many pros. The new Bamboo Fun line includes more colors and a mouse option. However, the pen only configuration is still my preferred choice.
The small size is perfect for most users. The "medium" sized tablet is suited for hard core graphics people who need to work at the pixel level on large images. Either way, the tablet maps to your screen size for any of these models.
This unit comes in a variety of colors and configurations. I prefer the look of the black tablet, but there are silver, white and blue ones also.
Bamboo Fun (Medium) Silver Tablet with Pen, Mouse & Graphics Software
Bamboo Fun (Medium) Black Tablet with Pen, Mouse & Graphics Software
Bamboo Fun (Medium) Blue Tablet with Pen, Mouse & Graphics Software
Bamboo Fun (Medium) Silver Tablet with Pen, Mouse & Graphics Software
Bamboo Fun (Small) White Tablet with Pen, Mouse & Graphics Software
Bamboo Fun (Small) Silver Tablet with Pen, Mouse & Graphics Software
Bamboo Fun (Small) Blue Tablet with Pen, Mouse & Graphics Software
Bamboo Fun (Small) Black Tablet with Pen, Mouse & Graphics Software
Upon plugging in the device, it works immediately! The pen works as a mouse or as a pen/brush for drawing applications. The tablet also has function buttons.
Installing the drivers and software allows you to access the settings and tools that make this device versatile and customizable.
For those that need lite versions of graphics programs, the other sets include them. Many people who buy this will already have full blown Adobe Photoshop.
+ USB connection
+ Works on XP and Vista almost plug and play - before software installation
+ Nice customizable software
+ No additional power adapter needed
+ Pen can be used as stylus or pen mouse
+ Small size is perfect for users not using the mouse
- The scrolling zoom function does not work uniformly on all applications
- New Bamboo Fun sets include more bundled applications - Adobe Elements and Corel Draw
- Default settings require some configuration for graphics editing
- The tablet would have been ideal with several additional USB ports
Overall, the graphic artist or visual junkie NEEDS one of these. If you are a casual user, it is worth getting one on sale. The small model with pen only will meet most users' needs.
Enjoy. - Computer Accessories - Graphics - Drawing - Wacom'
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