There is so much about this book that will make you stop and just sit in amazement. God's greatest commandment was love, and here Jerry Corbaley not only defines that commandment in simple terms, but he helps guide you, through the Bible, on how to carry out that commandment. At the very beginning of the book, I realized I was an 'annoying nobody who gains nothing' but I am learning just how important God's commandment is, and how I can carry that out. This book is insightful, but even more, it is true. God blessed this work, and I highly recommend you take the time to experience this for yourself. Most Excellent Way
You cannot just breeze through this book; Dr. Corbaley 's insight into what our Lord values most is easily practical in application, intensely honest in delivery, and must be chewed & digested one morsel at a time.
Practicing what he preaches, Dr. Corbaley speaks the truth in love, leading the reader gently into realizing the benefits of loving others as God loves them.
We have a problem, you see: there are too many definitions of "love."
What is God's definition & how do we "do it?"
Dr. Corbaley will show, with love & wit & integrity, how that kind of love looks in many and varied circumstances.
And you won't have to take his word for it; clear Scripture references show the "plain sense" of the Bible to be as "living and active as any two-edged sword."
This book has less fluff and more meat than most of the Christian books I've read, and is similar in practicality to much of C. S. Lewis' stuff.
Are you tired of wondering "if it's all really true?"
Are you tired of wondering if "this is all there is?"
Are you tired of trying so hard, only to fail again?
This book costs so little for so much "oomph" that you can't go wrong.
Buy it.
Read it, slowly.
Mark it up with highlighter & scribbled notes.
Let it sink in, & read it again.
I am on my second time through, and I look forward to many more adventures in "The Most Excellent Way."'
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