I got this battery jumper and was not sure if it would do the job. For the price it should.Well it did I took it up the mountain to start our tractor,and it worked great.I started it 7 or 8 times and the jumper was still going strong.You get what you pay for and in this case it was worth it.It's nice to know that you don't have to worry about a jumper.It was very cold out and it started right up.The only thing about this battery that some might not like is that it is a tad heavy.I would not want to carry it too far,but if you do not care about the weight then there is no other one out there that will compare to this one.If i get another one it will be another one of these.Great buy. ATD Tools 5928 12 V 1700 Peak Amp JumpStart
i like this product very much. i use it for industrial purpose as i work with aaa and it works great. use it all day and night and charge when i have down time. great product, rugged and easy access to replace the battery instead of buying a new pack. i am still on the original and have only pros
I think this Jump Pack could start the Space Shuttle!! It is a little big and a little heavy but man can this thing crank! The best feature is the long cables. they are very soft and flexible. you can set the pack on the ground and the cables will easily reach your battery. Nice for when you don't have a spot under the hood to balance the pack while you start your vehicle. I will be ordering another one for my dad's birthday.
Look no further, this is the last pack you'll need!
The ATD 5928 is built to stand the wear and tear from constant use. It is charged using a charger that has a 120vac to 12vdc transformer on one end and a cigarette lighter plug on the other end. It is not a typical set up. When I tried to find a replacement cable, the company had no idea where to specifically find the part. They don't support the product, the consumer needs to search on their own and/or design there own replacement part. For a product that sells for somewhere between $90 and $199, depending on where you look and how much the shipping will cost, that seems like a very problematic philosophy for running a company. You either provide parts support, make the parts standard off of someone's shelf, or you send two sets of the parts most likely to fail.
Did 3-4 jumpstarts in a single charge with plenty of juice remaining. One of them was a chevy 350 truck (I left the lights on like an idiot).
I feel the design of the clamps is annoying and restrictive. It's too big, and the plastic covers too much, which makes it hard to get into small spaces sometimes. Also, trying to boost a side-post is a serious pain, but that could be more the side-post's fault than the booster's.
Built-in float charger is always appreciated. Doesn't have a built-in tire inflator or inverter or anything like that.
I just got this item and first impressions is, WOW!!! While it wasnt cheap i think you get what you pay for with this item. The box is solid and the cables and clamps are very well built. I bought this to replace another box that cost $80(broke) and for just the little more i paid for this one, it was a good choice. The cables are plenty long and the float charge is great for not having to baby it like i had to before. Its nice not having to worry about the battery over charging. Another plus is being able to change the power cell because the box is built to last so i think it will last longer than the battery.
Bought this to replace a older starting unit from Home Depot that didn't have enough power to turn over the car. Batteries are heavy and you can tell right away that there is a substantial battery inside this unit because it it heavy. This unit was the most powerful I could find and on my first use as soon as I hooked it up the whole car came alive with radio, AC blower and everything else that was on when the car was last turned off. The motor turned over as quickly as a normal start. The cables are long enough to leave the unit on the ground and reach the battery and very flexible making them easy to maneuver. Very happy with this purchase, my neighbor has borrowed it twice now and is about to order one for themselves.
Nice, I can have security at home when I travel overseas that if my wife leaves her lights on, she can jump start her car by herself. unit can stay plugged into the wall with no problems. Handy on the trail when a rig dies. Solid, rugged construction. I am very pleased with this. Of course if you try cranking too long, the box will go dead, you get about two jumps to a charge, but you can hook it up to a cigaret lighter or plug into the wall and have a full charge again in a couple hours. Works for me perfectly. Charging wires seem a little thin and cheesy. thats the only draw back I see. - Jump Start - Jump Starters - Battery Charger'
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