When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then Bruce will guide the planets
And Make Love! will steer the stars
I'm beginning to feel like it's the Dawning of the Age of Bruce - within a week or so I've watched and reviewed the new limited edition DVD of Evil Dead 2, the Sci-Fi Channel's original movie Alien Apocalypse, and Campbell's own directorial debut, Man With the Screaming Brain. To polish all that off, I've also just finished listening to the audio book version of his first novel, Make Love! *The Bruce Campbell Way.
I like Campbell as the self-proclaimed B-actor he is, but I have to confess I was disappointed by his much-lauded, bestselling memoir, If Chins Could Kill. I didn't think it was particularly well-written and I found it tedious overall - in short, I was unpleasantly surprised. (I even tried to read it again about a year later, thinking maybe it was just my frame of mind the first time around... but no go.) Needless to say, I had some trepidation about trying Make Love! *The Bruce Campbell Way, but since the publisher had sent me one disc as a teaser I figured I had nothing to lose. And I do love audio books, so that was half the battle right there.
I put the disc in my CD player for a plane ride and the time evaporated before I realized I had finished the sampler and I didn't have any more. The horror! (And in case you're wondering - the book is by a horror icon, but there isn't any of the genre in the storyline.) I begged, pleaded and cajoled until the entire audio book was shipped to me. Those phones were in my ears quicker than Jude Law on a nanny.
Casting himself as the protagonist, the author introduces us to the B-actor Bruce "Don't Call Me Ash" Campbell as he's deciding which upcoming fan convention will be the least painful and pay the most money. Before long he finds himself auditioning for Mike Nichols, where much to his astonishment he wins a supporting role in the famed director's A-list romantic comedy. The remake of Let's Make Love! is set to star Richard Gere, Renée Zellweger, and Christopher Plummer, so Bruce is already writing his Best Supporting Actor acceptance speech.
Like a good little method actor, Bruce decides to create an elaborate back story for his sage/doorman character - in order to do this, he must immerse himself in opening doors and dispensing advice in the real world. This lands him not only in a world of trouble, but deep in a complex, virus-driven mystery that forces him to go on the lam as a fugitive from the law.
The idea of someone writing themselves as a book character is nothing new - funnyman Steve Allen did it in several mysteries, and currently American Psycho author Bret Easton Ellis has a horror novel out with a character named... Bret Easton Ellis - but Campbell does it with such shameless, self-deprecating panache, it's a natural (and hearing him as the character, it's so much the better).
The book's many guest stars - Nichols, Zellweger, Gere, and Robert Evans and Jack Nicholson to name a few - are portrayed by other actors, ala a radio play. Normally I don't care for this approach in my audio books, but Campbell wisely realized that this was the only way his book would work on disc.
Sharp, satirical and savvy, Make Love! *The Bruce Campbell Way is a must-have not only for the author's diehards, but for anyone who enjoys a rollicking Tinsel Town tale.
= = =
(...) Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way
This was just a really fun listen. Campbell reads and enacts this story with some actor friends. Complete with various sound effects including Bruce taking various beatings and bruisings through his travails of working on a fictional Mike Nichols film.
Alternately hilarious and full of moviemaking insights. The audition scene alone is worth the price of admission. I would think some struggling actors could learn a thing or three but most folks will greatly enjoy this rollicking adventure.
Let me just say, I LOVE this audio book. It is really a movie on audio because it is fully acted with sound effects all the way through and the story is worthy of being on film. One day we'll annoy Bruce enough that he'll agree to do it. I have never laughed so hard in my life. This is absurdity and intrigue as only Bruce Campbell could produce. Chin up! And buy this audiobook.
You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll wet your pants.
Make Love is a brilliant comedy written with enough truth to make you think this is really happening to the man that played Ash. However, the greatest gift of all is to have Bruce Campbell read his own words, giving the listener every little nuance and smarmy tone only Campbell can deliver. I found myself laughing out loud many times and by the end of the audio book, I was hoping that they make this into a movie.
Bruce Campbell can write and he can write funny!
Bruce Campbell's gun shoe,old time acting attitude, with a voice that could have been on radio, and looks that charm old ladies into believing he is sooo sauve.... and then add on hours of listening to him tell you a story, in a story, in a story, (always referencing the Army of Dead persona)only leads to wanting to hear more. I took this audio tape with me on a 10 hours trip and never once turned it off until then end. It's worth purchasing.
This audiobook had me laughing out loud from start to finish. The vocal performances are top-notch, and I enjoyed the use of sound effects as well -- it reminded me of the old radio plays. Bruce Campbell fans should not miss this audio performance!
This was the first audio book I ever listened to and it probably ruined all other audio books for me because it is so entertaining that now when I hear an audio book I want it to be like this not read by some uptight old man. Bruce Campbell is hilarious and this is a must have for any of his fans. Even if you aren't a fan I think you will enjoy this.'
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