We use "Elmer's Glue Sticks" for our kid's school posters and science fair displays, as well as in our small shop to make temporary signs.
I like that it is purple when it is applied because it makes it easy to see where the glue has been applied and it does dry colorless so it doesn't show through light color paper. This is not very strong glue and it is easy to remove items that have been attached using it, so we take a stick with us if we have to transport the poster or display board to touch-up anything that might have come loose.
Overall, a good glue stick for paper and small craft projects - Recommended! Elmer's Washable Dissappearing Purple School Glue Sticks, 3 Pack, 22 grams Each (E562)
The schools always ask for these jumbo glue sticks, but they're really hard to find at a good price, (they're usually at least $1.50 a piece). I usually end up sending in a bunch of small glue sticks, but my son complains that he goes through them more quickly than his friends with the jumbos. This 3 pack is a good deal, (with Amazon Prime), and I won't have to buy the mega pack at Staples, nor hunt around.
I only gave it 4 stars because I find that all glue sticks fail to hold very well, and these are no exception. That said, it's a pretty basic school supply and I'm buying!
My 9 year old son was so excited to see all the goodies in the bzzagent Elmer's/X-acto kit that he ran and got paper and started cutting and pasting. The end result? A boat for the rolly polly's!! Unfortunately, it didn't take long for his boat to get smashed up and become shipwrecked!! Onto the next crafting project! Glue worked really well before he smashed it!
Teachers ask for a lot of glue sticks for classroom. By the time I went to sales at stores they were out, appreciated being able to buy these for a good price. And it was nice to be a little crazy and do a price per gram - I would never have done that in the store but was surprised how different the costs were. I've always been happy with Elmer's produts. - Glues'
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