Bosch 4100DG-09 10-Inch Worksite Table Saw with Gravity-Rise Stand and Digital Rip Fence
I bought this tool as my first table saw. I have been quite happy with the saw, but I question the value of the digital rip fence, especially at a $100 premium. My experience has been that it needs frequent calibration to the blade and turns itself off too soon. I find that the optical scale works better for me. I also find the aluminum table top sometimes marks the pieces being cut and precludes the use of magnetic feather boards or jigs. Overall a good saw for the price if you don't spring for the digital fence. Bosch 4100DG-09 10-Inch Worksite Table Saw with Gravity-Rise Stand and Digital Rip Fence
This is one heck of a saw. Everything is thought out. Everything is right there where you need it. Everything screws down tight and it's obvious that the people who designed the saw thought long and hard about how people work and put everything on the saw and in an easily accessible place to help them work. Using it is a joy. Yes, you pay about $200 more than the Rigid jobsite saw to get that experience, but it's one heck of a pleasant experience. The whole saw makes sense and works well.
The riving knife is great, and the blade guard makes complete sense. It takes about 15 minutes of practice to be able to whip the guards on and off, but once you're really got it it's astoundingly easy. It is also VERY easy to work with this saw with all the guards in place, and that's important.
A shopvac easily plugs into the back of the saw, and it does reduce dust significantly. You're still getting out the broom and dust plan, though.
It takes a bit of muscle to get this across a lawn and into a pickup truck, but it's not that bad. The stand is not wobbly at all once it's up and ready to work.
One problem I had was the fence would chatter as I tried to slide it back and forth. Quite annoying for a $700 saw. I smeared some paste wax on the rails, though, and the problem totally disappeared. I can now slide the fence back and forth with one finger, and it glides--almost--like a puck across an air hockey table. Cool.
I bought this back in February 2008, and I also purchased the outfeed extension, an excellent accessory (as is the left side extension). The long rails on the outfeed extension banged the digital box, but a call to Bosch customer service had them overnighting a new, shorter set of rails to me. Wow. That's customer service.
If you have a wife how demands to put a car in the garage ("It's my workshop, honey! Why do you keep calling it a garage?") or a need to take a saw around to different places or if you want to do your cutting in the driveway so you can clean up the sawdust with a leaf blower (and with MDF, this is a great way to do it), this saw is the cat's pajamas. I love it.
I bought this saw for myself. I am a woman in my 60's with a passion for laying laminate floors. This saw is easy to assemble, and comfortable to use because the table easily elevates to the perfect height for you. I did my kitchen and dining room floors with it in one 3 day period and thanked my lucky stars for it.
The price online was really a bargain for a Bosch. It far outstrips everything I saw online or up close and personal at the local home improvement stores.
Almost better than its simple setup and movablity is being able to fold it up and store it compactly. My sons are getting in line to use it next and no problem - easy to tranport.
This is my first worksite saw and it's simply great. I'm installing hardwood floors, baseboards, steps, and trim and this saw does everything. The fence is true and the adjustable height blade ensures that there will be minimum tear-outs. In fact, I haven't gotten any yet! The best feature has to be the gravity-rise stand. Talk about ingenious. A single twist of the lever and it'll fold/unfold with ease. What sold me on this saw was a review conducted by a master cabinet maker who put this saw through the same paces as he would his expensive cabinet saw...guess what...it performed admirably. I'm picky about my work and wanted a good saw that I can tote around from job to job. This is the one. I'm proud to say that I own one of these and have recommended it to several of my friends. Buy this and you won't be disappointed.
My main review of this saw is on the 4100-09 saw page rather than here. I only give this one 2 stars because you can save $100 on the price of this saw by buying the 4100-09 and the Digital Scale separately on Amazon.
Don't know why Amazon is charging $802 for this unit as it sits... but the Digital unit for the 4100-09 is only $102 on top of the $599 price of the 4100 and it is EXACTLY the same unit that is on the 4100DG-09 shown here for over $800. That's a savings of nearly $100.00.
It takes about 10-minutes to install the Digital unit on the 4100-09, turning it into this unit. Easy!
Don't waste your money. Go with separates and save!
UPDATE: Amazon has now changed their pricing structure on this item and the review above no longer is valid. Good on 'ya Amazon for valuing this item as it SHOULD be! Cheers!
Got mine yesterday (Sept 21, 2009), uncrated it and put it together (including gravity rise stand) with no problem. Instructions were easy to follow and illustrations clear. All measurements were dead on including miter slot to blade, 90 degree and 45 degree stops, and fence to blade. Also bought the two support extensions which installed easily. The only problem I encountered was the fence to blade zero with the pointer. I couldn't move the pointer far enough to zero it out with the fence against the blade. I will call Bosch about this but it doesn't appear that any additional adjustment is possible. It's out about 1/16th inch and I suppose I'll get used to it but for the money it should be dead on. The digital fence window is hard to read through but not impossible. I give the saw a fat 4 on a 1-5 scale because of the problems noted above but would buy it again in a heartbeat. - Portable Table Saw - Bosch - Portable Saw - Table Saw'
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