I know the way these products are advertised make you think that they will make a fat person thin, but they don't. It gave good ab definition, but left the layer of fat until i worked out. It did speed up the process giving better and quicker ab results than I normally do when I only work out after a good winter hibernation. Before I had a little roll by my lower abs that I could never get rid off and now it's gone. It didn't happen overnight, been using it regularly for the past 2 months. Really saw results after 3-4 weeks, but started working out daily after the second week of owning. Ab workouts also felt easier.
Other info you should know that I couldn't find much info on before buying... The gel pads (I found) do have to be replaced every 35-40 uses. It also really helps to shave the abdominal area where you are using the pads as it improves pad life and effectiveness. I remember someone saying that the charger plug is flimsy; I didn't find it to be flimsy at all. It uses a SATA type connector that you would find on a computer or hard drive.
I would like to find out from anyone if the connector works on the bicep tricep attatchment. Slendertone Unisex System Abs Toning Belt
I have used the belt now for a month and lost 1 1/2" from my wasit and 2 pounds.
The belt is well made and has lots of power.
I have notice a difference and recommend this product.
You can also use it on your back. It feels so good.
I've been using this product for a little over a month now. It works just as stated, and I LOVE IT!!! It definitely works the muscles, I can currently only use it up to 80.
I also got it because I have serious sciatic nerve issues, and I read the review of someone saying it felt great on the back. That's an understatement. This worked those muscles so well, it relieved the issues I had the day I got this in the mail, and they haven't returned since.
I'm not using it to get ripped, as I have a layer of "Mommy Tummy" that will forever be there. But I do love that it's helped firm things up quite well. I think my next purchase will be the arm attachment.
The only thing I can see some people might have a problem with is the tingling, vibrating feeling when it's shocking you. Although, this is a LOT less that I thought it would be. Also, I'm still using the same pads. They work just fine after a month. One time last week they were a little less sticky than usual, but I gently cleaned them with water and a touch of dish soap, and they came back to super stickiness!!
If you're concidering this product, get it....it really works.
So, I was very skeptical, but after the first two weeks of use, I am seeing a difference in muscle tone. The system is well-built, and the contoller looks/feels of a high quality. Charging it can be a bit strange. It likes a full charge of a few hours. Nothing less; nothing more. Once charged, it'll go about three sessions. If you try to recharge after one session, you'll get an error on the charger. No biggie. The belt is comfortable to wear and simple to operate. I've already recommended one to a friend.
Im using the belt as I type, which i love. I can burn calories and build muscle while i do the things i need to do in life. There are also day when u just feel lazy and unmotivated, this is perfect for those situations.
The product really works. As someone to lifts weights 4 times a week I can say that this is is really effective. I find it really hard to get sore bi's and tri's the day after the gym. After using the arms version of the belt my arms was the sorest its been for years which tells me that its working. When i do flys for example i like to squeeze at the top of the lift, this products feels alot like that feeling. I have been using it on my back now too its great for the lower back and lats. I will be getting another belt so i can train my back and abs at the same time.
If i had the time i would go to the train 7 days a week and now I can without sacrificing too much of my life.
For those ppl who dont excercise. this is better than nothing.
For those ppl who already train. this is a great suppliment.
For ppl expecting miracles. Looking good and getting fit takes time, disclipine and effort. Your not going to get there overnight no matter what you do. Pll who expect that after years and years of doing nothing and over eating to get a six pack and massive muscles in weeks are just kidding themselves.
Bought this along with two pad replacements. I was only able to use it once, I could feel the current through all pads, middle, left and right. After one use only the right pad would work. I have re-charged it, changed pads and cleaned the contacts with no joy. The only other time I lost money that fast was at a casino in Las Vegas. It's your call...
This is a great product to help boost the shaping of your ab muscles. It isn't a miracle product though and working out and ab crunches are needed. This is best for people who already have fairly good abs, but need that extra boost to help give them the shape and tone they want. I do pilates and regular cardio exercises along with using this product. It is a weird sensation at first, but you will get used to it.
the ab belt(is that its name?) actually works. This isn't for someone that doesn't workout expecting to get ripped. I bascially goto the gym 2-3 times a week and have just started using this. I will say it can be a bit painful bascially having to tense up your stomach every 5 seconds while getting shocked at the 70 setting so far. I have noticed my stomach is automatically sucking in now afterwards. And to the guy that said the connector is flimsy. Are you mentally challenged?? the little metal hinges snap in and are secure. I honestedly can't see how this guy had a problem with it. A bit mental maybe. - Abs - Electronic Ab Workout - Abdominal Trainers - Electric Muscle Stimulation'
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