The product description says that this blackberry has the BlackBerry OS 5.0, but on the blackberry site, they say that the bold 9780 has the 6.0 OS.
Do you know if i can uptade to the new system?
Thaks. BlackBerry 9780 Bold Unlocked Smartphone with 5 MP Camera, Bluetooth, 3G, Wi-Fi, and MicroSd Slot --T-Mobile Version with no Warranty (white)
I live in Turkey and I am really interested in this product. I have 2 questions:
1) Will I be able to use the 3G feature in Turkey?
2) Will I be able to use the phone?
If anyone knows the answer, please reply me.
I have read some reviews saying that "I bought it from AT&T and it's not working in Turkey so that scared me.
Thank you.
I bought this item on january 5 and Wireless Conection (seller) ship same day this phone by USPS, however today january 13 i don't get my cell phone and i dont know what, i tryed to track in USPS web and don't show anything.'
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