I bought this game on a Friday. My Monday morning I had fishing wrist. The only Wii fishing I had tried prior was the fishing game in Wii Play. This is nothing like Wii Play fishing.
This game is very cartoony and the graphics are not that great, aside from the fish. You start out as a fishing novice whose grandfather wants you to work hard to become a fishing master. The grandfather talks way too much but offers you tips to improve. As you progress throughout the game, you can buy new kinds of bait, new poles and open new fishing spots where you can catch bigger and bigger fish. There are over 100 different types of fish you can catch in this game. Once you hook them you need to reel them in. Sometimes the smallest fish can create the most intense battles when you try to reel them in.
You compete in tournaments to increase your levels in the game. They aren't very challenging (so far) but do open up new places to fish. Your pet dog will find you new bait and maps to fishing spots along the way.
All I can say is I jumped up and down when I caught a 587 lb. Yellowfin Tuna and played until 2:30 a.m. the day I bought this game. Yesterday I planned to just play for 30 minutes or so, but ended up playing for 7 straight hours. This game is for some reason ridiculously fun and when you reel in a rare red fish it's actually exciting.
I have had the most fun playing this out of all the Wii games I have purchased, and it's even a fairly cheap one! I can see a whole family having a grand evening of fishing playing this. I'm not a hardcore gamer by any means, just a 32 year old woman who enjoys Wii fishing. Fishing Master
My 8yr old son and I are not serious gamers but do love to fish. This was the only game he asked for with his new Wii and I was a bit hesitant with the purchase. Luckily it has been a HUGE hit. We have played this game non stop since getting it for Christmas. He got numerous other highly rated Wii games but this one is by far our favorite. He quickly got to be a fishing master by winning tournaments as we got access to more islands but we are now only 2 fish away (out of 140+ varieties) of completing our fishing log. We just can't wait to see what fish we bring in next. We have been playing in the mode where you can see the fish shadows in the water but once we complete the entire game, we will turn off the shadows and the challenge will be greater to land all of the fish. We have also found that it is almost as much fun to watch the other person fish as it is to fish yourself. The anticipation of the next catch is completely addictive. I've sat down many time to fish for 30 minutes and have to drag myself away hours later.
The fighting action and bait needed to catch many species of fish are very close to reality (those trout fight like crazy for small freshwater fish!). There are a few of the Rare fish that are not real but they are entertaining to see once you land them.
Yes, the graphics aren't the greatest but who cares. If you love to fish, you will love this game.
First off - im in the older generation - my fiance and I picked this game up and have to say it is a total blast to play - granted the graphics are not top of the line - but the excitement of fighting a fish on your line is amazing- I was thinking of getting sega fishing or hooked but took this to try it out and am glad i did- yes its arcady and yes cartoony but still the most fun i have had on the wii to date- it really gets intense when you hook a fish - i hope they make a second one that would include multi player over wi fi -
Fishing Master graphically speaking is kind of on the kiddy anime side of things, bright colors big eyed characters and simplistic graphics.
On the control side of things winding your nunchuck like a reel and flicking the wiimote side to side feels like fishing a little and after the intial (pat your head rub your belly) feeling of the 2 controls being used together becomes all too easy. The unlockable fish, bait and fishing spots will keep you coming back to capture the STAR EEL and many other outlandish fish, what would have really helped this game is some adjustments to gameplay as you progress to bigger bodies of water and fish. Good in short 20 min gaming sessions the controls are just simple enough for kids to grasp and have enough of an edge for adult gamers to enjoy a few rounds. The best moments in fishing master are when you pull your fish out of the water and see what specimen you have hooked. Mildy addictive at first the fun wears off after a few days in solo mode, making the multiplayer fishing derby the only thing that adds any replay value here. This is a good rental until the Wii gets some deeper fishing titles for certain and possibly a good gift for young anglers with a Wii who don't live near any fishing holes.
GENERAL: This is by far the most played game in my household. As other folks have mentioned, the graphics are basic (except for the fish, which are pretty real) but look nice. The controllers are easy to use once you get used to them. You can use your thumb on the knob on the nunchuck or just shake or wind your nunchuck hand to reel in the fish. The nunchuck is pretty motion sensitive. I've lost a couple fish by inadvertently pushing my hair out of my face or itching my nose while fighting a big one. My advice: itch and scratch with your wii-mote hand!! The wii-mote (rod) controls are easy to get used to as well. What I've found (but can't impart on my 5 year old) is that you need to hold your rod up just like when you're fishing for real. NOTE: we bought two rod adapters and have found them to be USELESS and they inhibit play (the wii-mote can't make contact with the sensor bar when you're using the adapter).
GAME PLAY: Pros - there are 100 types of fish you can catch in multiple locales. There are lots of bait options and some of the fish give you a run for your money. (After lenghty battles and pulling in a several hundred pound tuna, or after catching a new type of fish, I've been known to pump my arm and yell "oh yeah! you know it!") The feel of the game is great. Between the sound effects and graphics, you actually feel like you're pulling something in. And the timer keeps a realistic count of how long it would take to reel a big one in. Tournament play is great. I love standing on the beach and going head to head. Cons - I made it to "Fishing Master" with credits rolling after less than 10 hours of game play and only catching 1/3 of the possible fish. You just have to win all of the tournaments and they are not the least bit competitive. I hoped they would get progressively harder but they don't.
All in all this is a fun one. Even though you get to be a fishing master quickly, there are 100 fish to catch and a lot of them are really hard to catch so there's a lot of game time in this one. Plus, being able to have 4 players go head-to-head in a tourney is great fun! - Fishing - Wii Game - Video Games - Wii Fishing'
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