I purchased this for our 8y/o daughter for Christmas. She hasn't been given this, but I looked over the contents and it looks great. You receive a cute and sturdy tote with over 400 pieces! There are many different designer pages and TONS of stickers, plus colored pens and a CD that will let you do even more with your project! This will provide hours of fun and creativity at its best. If your child is creative and likes to do art projects or scrapbook this is perfect. I think any little girl would love this. Project Runway Fashion Magazine Editor Tote
This is a case of the packaging being much better than the product. The 'tote' is cardboard and very cheap - don't expect to get much use out of it. Inside, you'll find a couple of rules, blank paper, a CD with some clip art, and some stencils. Not a lot to get excited about. My daughter preferred the books much better over this 'kit'.
I bought this for my 7 year old daughter for Christmas. But I wound up letting her use it when she had 2 of her friends over for the day. This kept them busy for days. The fun continued when my daughter brought the kit to her friends house the next day. They created their own magazines without any help. They were so creative and funny it was great to flip through the pages and see what they came up with next. I think it is probably geared for girls a little older as my 7 year old loves to draw but is still about fun instead of serious. She cut out pictures from real magazines and added on into the books what the tote came with. Very cute product.
I purchased this as a gift for a nine-year-old girl and she loves it! There are a lot of accessories and an infinite number of ways to create your own magazines. The carrying tote is really cute and fashionable and is also a great way to carry your supplies to work on them at a friend's house! I rated it 4/5 stars because the glue was coming apart on the tote -an easy fix with a glue gun, however!
I bought this for my 10 year old here at amazon as my daughter is quite interested with drawing, designing and writing. I got this at a much lower price and thought it might be a good piece for her to work with & keep her creative juices flowing. I am pleased that it arrived on time. Its an "ok" tote for me and gave it 3 stars. My daughter likes it and has kept her busy since, however she & i felt that it didn't come with quality designs/materials (for the price) to work with in order to create a really nice magazine or at least something close to a glossy magazine
Tote includes the blank magazines, variety of stickers (clothes, shoes, make up and backgrounds) , markers, stencils, CD, and instructions on how to create your own magazine... I felt that the materials was something we can source on our own from craft and book stores.
On the other hand the carry tote is nice and a good size to carry and to keep all the materials. It might be good to combine this with project runway to create fashionable designs that you can include in the magazine.
Overall its an "Ok" Tote that enhances creativity.
I have 2 girls, ages 9 & 12. They got together with the neighbor girls and they made the magazine together. I'm not sure how long it took them but they were busy for a couple days. They did an excellent job with it, with different sections of a magazine (editor feature, quiz, and stories). They took pictures to add to it and each had their own section. I really don't know what was included in the kit but I do know that it kept them occupied and interested and they were very proud of the finished product. They enjoyed it so much that I am ordering a second one because they want to do a second edition! They enjoyed it as a group project. I would say you do need to be creative to make it fun. If you are looking for a "follow the directions" type of thing this is not it. I thought this was also the perfect age for this product, too much younger and they may not understand it's potential.
My oldest daughter (age 11) loves Project Runway,and was thrilled to get this as a gift. It is a very comprehensive package, with lots of activities and various projects to keep young 'fashion designers' busy. In addition, the set was very easy for her to use on her own and she needed very little assistance from mom. We are very happy with it and would highly recommend this to others!
Bought this for my daughter, after it taking 3 weeks, YES 3 WEEKS, to arrive it looks pretty cute even if it didn't make it in time for her birthday what so ever. It seems ok but not what we were expecting. It seems it would better for a little kid to just play and toss, like a coloring book type theory rather than something a 12yr old would use to make a real magazine type thing with. Disappointing for the price, disappointing for anyone over about 9, disappointing it took nearly a month to get here, disappointing all around. And the lady who keeps reporting this review and sending me threatening messages over it must be the seller, like it or not this is my review! - Fashion Design - Project Runway - Crafts - Designer'
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