Wanting to save money is a no-brainer in today's economy - being able to do it, is another thing. Kathy Spencer does a great job of explaining how, when and why to get things at a great price and to "pay it forward" when you are able to score on great deals. I bought this book - actually 3 - one for me, one for a friend, and one for my mom (I really wanted to help them save more money) - has more than paid for itself I don't know how many times. I love going to stores now with a handful of coupons, a cartfull of groceries and I get to leave with a lot more in my pocket than I used to - and way more in my pantry. Thank you Kathy!! How to Shop for Free: Shopping Secrets for Smart Women Who Love to Get Something for Nothing
As a former Marine, a recently divorced dad of 2 with a full time job and an MBA, I have to say OOOORAH. This book is a "how to" on money management. It was written intentionally or not "Marine proof." That means that any person who can read this book can follow the script laid out for you by Kathy. It is an easy read with checklists, resources and / or "work it" exercises at the end of the chapters to get you in the thought process and attitude to find the deals. In my first week of reading this book I have already saved over $33.00 using the tools in the book. Now the book costs $[...], therefore I am still up $[...] (assuming I paid full price, I didn't, I had a coupon) if I never use another idea, coupon or strategy Kathy laid out in this book.
Yes, Kathy plugs her website in this book, but it is free to join; [...] and I hope this isn't the first time you have heard of it. If it is check it out. This book is a great compliment to the site and has now given me the additional knowledge I needed to maximize the resources provided on the site. This is a process and takes organization, knowledge and a little time each week. The good news is this book will show you how to get organized, where & how to get the knowledge and you just need to budget your time. I look forward to reading your "Hall of Fame" in the weeks to come.
For many years I have said I am going to start using coupons and always fell back into feeling that they were a waste of time and led you to spend more money than you would otherwise (buying products just because you had a coupon). My husband vehemently disagrees with that theory and has been what we thought was a faithful "coupon-er" for many years. We have just started reading "HOW TO SHOP FOR FREE" and are dumbfounded by just how much we DIDN'T know! He has already changed his style and is so deep into the book now, that I have just had to order another copy for myself! Not a problem, I know it will pay for itself and then some.
OK, I admit it. I'm a coupon fan. I've read books, I've read blogs, I've tried it myself. I've done well at couponing, I've gotten bored and fallen off the wagon and I've started again. Since I have read quite a few books and blogs about couponing and super couponing, there wasn't too much that I hadn't already heard about. But there are a few points I would like to make about this book (which was very fun to read!)
1. It was the only book I've read that listed examples outside of standard grocery stores (ie. Petsmart, clothing, etc). It was nice that she included these in her examples of 'free shopping.'
2. I liked her sales calendar that lets you know when to buy anything. I'd never heard of the Staples penny sale (I'll have to check that out) before, or the best month to buy bedding
3. Her websites and resources that she lists are excellent. I've already checked out a few of the websites mentioned.
4. Sometimes I think that these super couponers are just lucky in where they live. Kathy's grocery store doubles coupons up to $1. I've also read about the couponers with regular triple coupon days, allowable up to $.70. Mine (which is the only store in my area that doubles) only doubles up to $.40, and only 16 coupons at that. And my grocery stores, when running a CAT deal, never mark the products down by $3 (about 60% in some of her examples) AND give you the CATs. Usually our CAT deals are to get you to buy full price goods, or at least slightly marked down.
All in all, if you are used to the subject matter, there isn't too much new in here. But it is still a worthwhile read. It is entertaining, informative and motivating. I don't have time to dedicate 40 hours a week to couponing, but I am itching to get started again.
Kathy Spencer's book has been a page-turner. The things that I have learned in the 226 pages will stick with me forever. The advice, motivation, and words of encouragement make this book an enjoyable read. I cannot wait to put into practice the information I learned!
Annemarie Guertin
Kathy Spencer is a "Coupon Queen". She can dress her kids in designer duds for free, fill a grocery cart for $4 out of pocket and even get stores to pay her to buy things. She may be able to teach you to do these things to. In order to be a shopping Queen like Kathy you musth:
Be able to invest a great deal of time in researching deals, driving from store to store and reselling excess goods.
Live in an area that accepts double coupons and have several grocery stores within driving distance.
Have some extra cash to invest in buying goods to resell, purchase coupons in bluk an djump on clearance sales when they pop up.
If you don't have or can't spare those three things, then this book may not be for you. However, if you're willing to put in the effort, give up the time and risk the resources, you can be a shopping Queen like Kathy.
Kathy does provide a very detailed account of how she does what she does. Alot of it I already knew, but there were some things I learned that are worth the price of the book twice over. And if you're a total beginner to the frugal shopping lifestyle, this book could very well be you're new bible.'
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