I loved reading "Goodie One Shoes." It had a great story line, lots of great shoes, and loads of suspense! Plus it all takes place on New York's upper west side. I couldn't put it down and read it through in one sitting! I hope there will be more from this author! Goodie One Shoes
In Goodie One Shoes, Roz Siegel succeeds in keeping her readers on their toes as they follow her fast-paced thriller of murder and mayhem as set on the upper West Side of New York. Siegel acurately captures the soul of this neighborhood while her wonderfully-drawn heroine, Emily, offers soles (Jimmy Choos)and solace to the exotic cast of characters who make this tale a page-turner. About Goodie One Shoes ---? More, please!
Brenda Leventhal
Roz Siegel's "Goodie One Shoes" weaves together a melange of New York City's colorful upper westside characters with an assortment of fabulous "Sex in the City" shoes and a bevy of unforgettable literary heroines. It is a fun read- suspenseful and surprising.
As a woman who loves shopping for good shoes, I wish Emily's Place was in my neighborhood. Roz Siegel's depiction of New York's Upper West Side made me feel like I was right there. I thoroughly enjoyed the rhythm of her writing, literary references, and colorful characters full of mystery. I couldn't put the book down, and Goodie One Shoes left me wanting more.
Goodie One Shoes
Goodie One Shoes is a fun read for shoe and mystery addicts and everyone in between. It is an entertaining lighthearted rump through the west side neighborhood of Manhattan. I enjoyed revisiting my old neighborhood through the keen observations and details evoked in the story...and all those shoes.Goodie One Shoes
This is a book that is really hard to put down. It is suspenseful, funny and totally captures the West Side of Manhattan. It is one of the most delightful books I have read recently and I look forward to the next in what I hope will be a series.
Sue Cohen
Following the breakup of her "perfect" marriage to Larry the lawyer following his tryst with the Russian, Emily puts aside her Ph.D. to return to her roots sort of by opening an exclusive shoe store in Manhattan's 'elite Upper West Side; her dad had a shoe store for twenty-five years in Brooklyn. Emily's Place on 98th and Broadway becomes a hangout for shoe aficionados that run the social economic spectrum as the coffee is quality, the chats charming, and the merchandise spans the luxurious and the bargain.
However, someone kicks Emily's perfect world when her sweet assistant Kim Chang is murdered; the weapon is a Jimmy Choo stiletto whose matching pair is missing. NYPD suspects Emily as a potential killer as she had means and opportunity though a viable motive fails to surface. The lead police detective Paul Murphy worries that the footwear fetish fiend will target Emily next. Soon after the homicide, the culprit threatens Emily through snail and email. Finally the other Choo arrives followed by the murder of Emily's maid.
This is a fun Manhattan murder mystery starring a beleaguered woman who is under all sorts of pressure from the cops, family members, customers, a former fired employee and her late worker. The story line is lighthearted and fast-paced as Emily's still hippie sister and her still married spouse make demands of her. However, it is her demands of herself to find Kim's Choo killer that make for a lighthearted entertaining New York frolic.
Harriet Klausner
Living on the Upper West Side of New York for almost 40 years, I was very interested in reading Goodie One Shoes. I was not disappointed. I loved the Upper West Side locale, the literary references, but most of all I loved the murder mystery. It kept my attention from beginning to end. I hope Roz Siegel writes more.Goodie One Shoes
Emily Levine loves shoes. You could almost say she is obsessed with them. So opening a unique shoe store in New York's West Side could be a satisfactory way to enjoy her love of shoes.
Her marriage to attorney Larry Levine is not technically over, but they've been separated since she found him in bed with another woman. So opening the shop is a way to carve out an independent life separate from her husband.
Colorful characters arrive at Emily's Place to enjoy the special discounts of "Pre-Owned Shoes." Other unique characters include one of the employees, Merissa, and her niece Fifi.
Author Roz Siegel delivers a fast-paced mystery involving shoes, strange foot fetish snippets at the beginning of each chapter, and a sardonic sense of humor that makes Emily a fascinating first-person narrator for this story.
When women close to Emily start showing up murdered by "shoe," she has a vested interest in helping Detective Murphy to solve the case. But who is targeting Emily and those close to her, and why? As she and Murphy follow one false lead after another, it almost seems as though the case will turn cold before they find the answers. And what if they don't find the murderer before he skewers Emily herself with a designer shoe?
Goodie One Shoes had enough quirky twists to keep me turning those pages, and I definitely couldn't put this one down. I've given this story five stars for plot twists, colorful characters, and a fresh and enjoyable narrator's voice.
Goodie One Shoes was a terrifically fun read: great setting, lively characters, engrossing plot, well written. I enjoyed Roz Siegel's whit and talent, and hope to see more from her soon. Who would ever thought the marriage of shoes and murder could produce such a great mystery. Bravo!'
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