I do like these bags. They work well, and four of them are just about perfect for grocery shopping for a family of four. The long handle is great, and the construction is good quality. My only complaints are; 1., the price. They're pretty expensive for a bag. I found after I purchased them that they're more reasonably priced on the manufacturers website, and they often have shipping deals. My other complaint is major. The first time I washed the bags, they shrunk to about half the size, and I did NOT put them in the dryer. I liked them much better before I washed them. That said, they do the job and I like that they're fair wage. From now on, I'll buy them direct from the manufacturer and not wash them until I absolutely have to. Ecobags Recycled Cotton Canvas Tote Bag
This is a great bag!!! It's big and spacious and I went shopping with it and was able to get most of my groceries in just 3 of these bags versus 10 or more store bags. I am glad I am doing my part to help save our earth!
I was very disappointed with the purchase of this product for the following reasons. The dimensions that are given are for the bag prior to being washed. In other words, the canvas was not preshrunk before the bag was assembled. The bag shrunk in size by over an inch in width and height. I have several other canvas bags, so I know how to care for canvas bags. They are to be washed in cold water and hung to dry. The canvas material used in making these bags was very thin and inferior. I would not recommend these bags, as I believe it is not a quality product.
I wasn't sure what to expect when I ordered 3 of these, but they are very spacious! I have used them a few times, I'm still trying to get used to having these and bringing them with me every time I go shopping. I did go one evening and brought 2 thinking the items I was buying would need 2 of the bags. They all fit into 1, including an 8 pack of gatorade! I also took these with me when I went to buy my daughter some summer cloths and they all fit right in. This product is wonderful, and it's great to be doing my part to reduce my plastic waste. They were a great price, and very sturdy, I would definitely recommend these.
I like canvas bags. I have lots of them and use them to carry groceries, books, hardware, clothes, etc. I've washed lots of canvas bags and never had one shrink. This Ecobags canvas bag shrank even when washed in cold water. Ecobags should have use preshrunk canvas.
Additionally, the straps are not 22". Mine are 9" from the top edge of the bag to the middle of the handle which makes it more suitable for hand carrying.
I've had two of these bags for over two years. I use them mainly for the farmer's market and quick trips to the grocery store. I bought them after reading positive reviews and loved them in the beginning. They are strong and are holding up well, but as other reviewers have mentioned, they shrink significantly when washed. I washed one in cold water and was shocked when I compared it to the unwashed bag's size. They get the job done but hold much less now that I have washed them. At the time of purchase there were no reviews mentioning the problem with shrinking--hopefully this review will spare someone else the shock of retrieving a tiny bag from his/her washing machine.
I bought these bags over 8 years ago. They have held up amazingly well. They are pricey but IMO, they are worth it. I have bought other canvas bags but none hold up as well as these. I have carried HEAVY things in them and none of the straps have come loose (or even fallen off) unlike other brands. They do shrink quite a bit in the wash but I'm glad I can wash them at least!
This bag is made of heavy duty canvas and appears well constructed. It is actually so big that if I filled it completely it would be difficult for me to carry which is a good thing. Better too big than too small. The straps make perfect shoulder straps for me. I am a medium height slim woman. If you are 6'3" and of a large build the straps may or may not work as shoulder straps for you. The very best thing about this bag for me is the 7.5 inch gusset. That means it can stand on its own. It can also accommodate large packages. To give you some perspective, Whole Foods paper bags have a 6.5 inch gusset. That is a decent size for my purposes. I find the 5 inch reusable bags, which is fairly standard, not as easy for me to use. I love the convenience of these particular bags. The only thing that would be better would be if I could give my bags a grocery list and they would go to the store without me, fill my list and return with my groceries! But since that isn't going to happen, I am as happy with these bags as I possibly could be with grocery bags. - Canvas Bag - Global Warming - Reusable Grocery Bag - Grocery Bag'
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