The Complete Personal Finance Handbook: Step-by-Step Instructions to Take Control of Your Financial Future is the kind of book that everyone needs when they are starting out on their own. We all know that high school and college graduates aren't going to listen to their parents, but this book is well organized and emphasizes the old fashioned virtues of frugality. The chapters on debt are a particular point of emphasis if you have a college student who has just discovered the allure of other people's money. It doesn't take very long for a twenty-something to run up a lifetime's worth of debt if he isn't careful, and while this book provides some good advice about credit repair and debt reduction, the best advice it gives is to avoid that kind of situation altogether. I was also particularly impressed with the concise information on mortgages. This is a subject that can get confusing pretty quickly and it's full of timely advice considering the mortgage crisis we are undergoing right now. A lot of people could have avoided a major financial headache if they had followed the advice in this handy little guide. If I had a child going off to college in the fall, this book would be going with him. The Complete Personal Finance Handbook: A Step-by-Step Instructions to Take Control of Your Financial Future With Companion CD-ROM
The Complete Personal Finance Handbook: Step-by-Step Instructions to Take Control of Your Financial Future is a real good book. I've read several Suze Orman books and Your Money or Your Life and other such tomes. And I've tossed aside several books on personal finance that couldn't hold my interest past a couple pages. But because of Personal Finance Handbook's comprehensiveness, clarity of explanation, detail and upbeat tone many will consider it their finance bible.
The book starts with budgeting and moves step-by-step through saving (in a multitude of ways), keeping track of your money, banking, the thrill of compound interest, financial advisors, insurance, investing and more.
"Now You Know" charts recap the chapters' main points. And gently, but frankly the book helps people through the emotional aspect of handling money. For example: budgeting and saving bring peace of mind. Yet, if you're in financial trouble, this book will help you without shaming you. Finally, Personal Finance Handbook contains helpful appendices, glossary and index.
The book's only fault is its lack of spacing between words and sentences in the foreword.
The Complete Personal Finance Handbook: Step by Step Instructions to Take Control of Your Financial Future by Teri B. Clark (Comes with a companion CD-Rom)
Boy! Don't we all need financial guidance, especially in today's economy? According to Clark, balancing what we need and want with what we have available to spend is the biggest part of the battle. Who could disagree? That balancing part is also known as budgeting, a much maligned word.
According to Juan Ciscomani, Senior Instruction Specialist at Credit-Wise Cats, who wrote the forward to Clark's powerful little handbook, most people think of budgeting as denying oneself the pleasures of life. Not so, he corrects. Instead, budgeting is a way to take control on one's financial life, and Clark's book shows us how.
Like most things, knowledge is the key to success and Clark has a whole batch of keys, and they all hang on a ring called "budget." If you're just starting out in your financial life, this book was written for you. If you're planning for your retirement, this book is for you. If you're going down for the third time in a sea of debt, this book's for you.
Chapter one starts of with a simple explanation of the whys and wherefores of budgeting. Clark calls it a game plan which sounds a lot more appealing than
In our current economic climate personal finance has become the priority of many. Pitfalls abound, so the need for sound financial guidance is critical for all consumers - those who are financially sound and those navigating rough waters. In order to prevent financial disaster, or recover from one, it is imperative that we learn to control our money so our money doesn't control us.
The Complete Personal Finance Handbook: Step-by-Step Instructions to Take Control of Your Financial Future begins with the logical first step of creating and analyzing a budget. That information is supplemented in the next chapter on banking; the author helps you navigate the banking system and gives sound instruction on keeping your accounts balanced to keep your budget in tact.
The following chapters on saving, wealth management, insurance, and retirement are designed to help you keep more of your money and put it to work. Then, The Complete Personal Finance Handbook: Step-by-Step Instructions to Take Control of Your Financial Future addresses the wise use of credit, how to avoid bankruptcy, and improving your credit history if you have already made some mistakes.
The chapter on buying a home is particularly relevant since so many are making their first foray into real estate. The Complete Personal Finance Handbook: Step-by-Step Instructions to Take Control of Your Financial Future is an invaluable primer for the first-time home buyer to navigate the terminology and processes involved in buying a home.
The included appendices in The Complete Personal Finance Handbook: Step-by-Step Instructions to Take Control of Your Financial Future give the readers sample documents, checklists, and worksheets to manage every aspect of your finances.
Knowledge is power, and The Complete Personal Finance Handbook: Step-by-Step Instructions to Take Control of Your Financial Future gives you the power correct or improve your financial future whether you are financially stable or financially troubled.
Need to learn how to balance a budget, buy a home, or save enough money so you can retire in style? In her book, " The Complete Personal Finance Handbook," author Teri B. Clark presents personal financing in a clear and concise manner. In 16 easy-to-understand chapters, she teaches the reader how to organize one's budget, buy a home, invest smartly, save for your children's college, hire a personal planner, and much more.
This is, in my opinion, the most common-sense book on home financing yet, as the author uses simple language and lots of real-life examples throughout the text. In addition to the different real-life case studies, the author provides a plethora of handy appendices at the end of the book that contain tools like Q and A sheets for your stock broker or a financial advisor, sample real-estate contracts, and much more. A glossary of terms also allows a quick glance in case readers want to look up a certain financial term.
What I especially liked in this book were detailed descriptions of various financial scams out there and how to protect yourself and avoid them. Also eye-opening was a lengthy but interesting chapter on saving for retirement, along with financial charts and other tools. This handy little book should be a part of everyone's library because saving money should be everyone's concern. - Budgeting - Money Advice - Finance - Debt'
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