While the updated data base was the desire and achieved purpose of getting the latest version, it sufers from classic Microsoft update. Ease of use is severely impacted. My favorite means of navigation was to selct a region and tehn zoom in, you can't do that any more. Now you have to center and zoom, then re-center and zoom, not nearly as easy or effecient.
Also, as a program that needs to be "activated" it is no longer convienent to have on multiple computers. This substantially degrades the value of the product. Streets and Trips 2010
The new "Streets and Trips" can only be used and registered on one computer.
Would not buy it again for this reason.
Shuts off the second computer automaticly after a 60 days trial. Since I need to use Streets and Trips at home and on my web book while driving its useless for me.
All the older versions could be used on multiple computers. Microsoft should have put a warning sign at the outside of the package about their policy change.
Alfred Voll
I had an older version of this and liked it. The "2010" version is not up to date. A local freeway that is at least 3 years old is not even on the map! In addition, the software can only be installed on one computer, so I can't have it on my laptop and desktop unless I buy it twice. If I had known these two facts, I wouldn't have bought it.
I have no idea how well the 2010 version of Streets and Trips operates but, I have the 2005 edition and it works great. I ordered the 2010 edition for a more updated version and found that it doesn't work on my Windows XP system. Unfortunately for me I found this out the hard way by ordering through Amazon and trying to install on my system and receiving a message stating this. Amazon's description of system requirements stated that it did run on XP. Well since it had been opened and I (absent of mind) trusted Amazon's description, it has cost me 15% of my money on the return. I called them and told them of their error online and they were not going to change the information stated for the product. Needless to say I thought it would be good to let people know not to buy if they had a Windows XP operating system. I still need a undated mapping program and Amazon will not be getting my order. Hope they like the 15% because they will not be getting any more from me.
MS Streets and Trips 2010...lousy upgrade from '08. Lots of area data not current, up to 2 yrs out of date!. Many routes improperly computed. Does not "talk" or see other gps units as advertised. VERY POOR PRODUCT...SAVE YOUR MONEY...GARMIN STILL BEST! - Navigation - Driving Directions - Maps - Streets And Trips'
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